certbot formerly letsencrypt client for Lets Encrypt Certificates

Edit Package certbot

ATTENTION: Version 1.23.0 is the last version which can be use in Leap.
Version >= 1.24 need python3 >= 3.7

Certbot (previously, the Let's Encrypt client) is an easy-to-use automatic client that fetches and deploys
SSL/TLS certificates for your webserver.
Certbot was developed by EFF and others as a client for Let’s Encrypt and was previously known as
“the official Let’s Encrypt client” or “the Let’s Encrypt Python client.”
Certbot will also work with any other CAs that support the ACME protocol.

While there are many other clients that implement the ACME protocol to fetch certificates, Certbot is the
most extensive client and can automatically configure your webserver to start serving over HTTPS immediately.
For Apache, it can also optionally automate security tasks such as tuning ciphersuites and enabling important
security features such as HTTP → HTTPS redirects, OCSP stapling, HSTS, and upgrade-insecure-requests.

Certbot is part of EFF’s larger effort to encrypt the entire Internet. Websites need to use HTTPS to secure
the web. Along with HTTPS Everywhere, Certbot aims to build a network that is more structurally private,
safe, and protected against censorship.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
README.SUSE 0000001749 1.71 KB
certbot-cli.ini.patch 0000001726 1.69 KB
certbot-fix_constants.patch 0000026515 25.9 KB
certbot.changes 0000064278 62.8 KB
certbot.cron 0000000949 949 Bytes
certbot.rpmlintrc 0000000153 153 Bytes
certbot.spec 0000018753 18.3 KB
v1.11.0.tar.gz 0001419116 1.35 MB
Revision 189 (latest revision is 238)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 189)
- Update to 1.11.0
  * Changed
    - We deprecated support for Python 2 in Certbot and its ACME library.
      Support for Python 2 will be removed in the next planned release of Certbot.
    - certbot-auto was deprecated on all systems. For more information 
      about this change, see
    - We deprecated support for Apache 2.2 in the certbot-apache plugin
      and it will be removed in a future release of Certbot.
  * Fixed
    - The Certbot snap no longer loads packages installed via pip install --user. 
      This was unintended and DNS plugins should be installed via snap instead.
    - certbot-dns-google would sometimes crash with HTTP 409/412 errors 
      when used with very large zones. See #6036.
    - certbot-dns-google would sometimes crash with an HTTP 412 error if 
      preexisting records had an unexpected TTL, i.e.: different than 
      Certbot's default TTL for this plugin. See #8551.
      More details about these changes can be found on our GitHub repo.
Comments 2

Yunhe Guo's avatar

Does it make sense to use systemd instead of cron? It will be easier to enable/disable in YaST and monitor errors.

Eric Schirra's avatar

I am not a friend of systemd. And certainly not from systemd cron. Sorry.

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