The World-Wide Web library for Perl

Edit Package perl-libwww-perl

The libwww-perl collection is a set of Perl modules which provides a
simple and consistent application programming interface to the World-Wide
Web. The main focus of the library is to provide classes and functions
that allow you to write WWW clients. The library also contain modules that
are of more general use and even classes that help you implement simple
HTTP servers.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
disable-ghttp.diff 0000000535 535 Bytes
libwww-perl-6.03.tar.gz 0000131485 128 KB
perl-libwww-perl.changes 0000023353 22.8 KB
perl-libwww-perl.spec 0000004383 4.28 KB
Latest Revision
Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 1)
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