Farstream - Audio/Video Communications Framework

Edit Package mingw32-farstream

The Farstream (formerly Farsight) project is an effort to create a framework to deal with all known audio/video conferencing protocols. On one side it offers a generic API that makes it possible to write plugins for different streaming protocols, on the other side it offers an API for clients to use those plugins.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
farstream-0.1.2.patch 0000009620 9.39 KB
farstream-0.1.2.tar.gz 0001265972 1.21 MB
make43.patch 0000001706 1.67 KB
mingw32-farstream.spec 0000004344 4.24 KB
Revision 12 (latest revision is 13)
Ralf Habacker's avatar Ralf Habacker (rhabacker) committed (revision 12)
Drop tag BuildRoot: (boo#1207289)
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