English-Japanese or English-Korean translation program for X11

Edit Package xyaku

xyaku is an English-Japanese translation program and more under X11.
Furthermore, xyaku is yet another Web search engine front-end.

xyaku can also be used for English-Korean translation.

If you want to use it for English-Korean, please install also the
Korean-English dictionary "engdic" (engdic*.rpm).

If you want to use it for English-Japanese, please install also the
Japanese-English dictionary "edict" (edict*.rpm).

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
edict.sh.patch 0000000377 377 Bytes
fix-implicit-declarations.patch 0000000767 767 Bytes
sample.xyakurc 0000002682 2.62 KB
xyaku-1.3.0-dict.patch 0000001214 1.19 KB
xyaku-1.3.0-fhs.patch 0000003725 3.64 KB
xyaku-1.3.0-korean.patch 0000010500 10.3 KB
xyaku-1.4.0.tar.bz2 0000153315 150 KB
xyaku.changes 0000003863 3.77 KB
xyaku.spec 0000005545 5.42 KB
Revision 8 (latest revision is 10)
Ruediger Oertel's avatar Ruediger Oertel (oertel) accepted request 52485 from Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) (revision 8)
Accepted submit request 52485 from user coolo
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