ps utilities for /proc

Edit Package procps

The procps package contains a set of system utilities that provide
system information. Procps includes ps, free, skill, snice, tload, top,
uptime, vmstat, w, and watch. The ps command displays a snapshot of
running processes. The top command provides a repetitive update of the
statuses of running processes. The free command displays the amounts of
free and used memory on your system. The skill command sends a
terminate command (or another specified signal) to a specified set of
processes. The snice command is used to change the scheduling priority
of specified processes. The tload command prints a graph of the current
system load average to a specified tty. The uptime command displays the
current time, how long the system has been running, how many users are
logged on, and system load averages for the past one, five, and fifteen
minutes. The w command displays a list of the users who are currently
logged on and what they are running. The watch program watches a
running program. The vmstat command displays virtual memory statistics
about processes, memory, paging, block I/O, traps, and CPU activity.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
procps-ng-3.3.10-bnc634071_procstat2.diff 0000001823 1.78 KB
procps-ng-3.3.10-errno.patch 0000001433 1.4 KB
procps-ng-3.3.10-fdleak.dif 0000000886 886 Bytes
procps-ng-3.3.10-integer-overflow.patch 0000002179 2.13 KB
procps-ng-3.3.10-large_pcpu.patch 0000000688 688 Bytes
procps-ng-3.3.10-slab.patch 0000004446 4.34 KB
procps-ng-3.3.10-xen.dif 0000000834 834 Bytes
procps-ng-3.3.11-pmap4suse.patch 0000007590 7.41 KB
procps-ng-3.3.16-comm_len.patch 0000001001 1001 Bytes
procps-ng-3.3.16.tar.xz 0000859736 840 KB
procps-ng-3.3.8-accuracy.dif 0000004707 4.6 KB
procps-ng-3.3.8-bnc634840.patch 0000001043 1.02 KB
procps-ng-3.3.8-ignore-scan_unevictable_pages.patch 0000000575 575 Bytes
procps-ng-3.3.8-petabytes.patch 0000001268 1.24 KB
procps-ng-3.3.8-readeof.patch 0000002917 2.85 KB
procps-ng-3.3.8-tinfo.dif 0000000851 851 Bytes
procps-ng-3.3.8-vmstat-terabyte.dif 0000000475 475 Bytes
procps-ng-3.3.9-w-notruncate.diff 0000002737 2.67 KB
procps-ng-3.3.9-watch.patch 0000000281 281 Bytes
procps-rpmlintrc 0000000058 58 Bytes
procps-v3.3.3-columns.dif 0000001645 1.61 KB
procps-v3.3.3-ia64.diff 0000000310 310 Bytes
procps-v3.3.3-pwdx.patch 0000000353 353 Bytes
procps-v3.3.3-read-sysctls-also-from-boot-sysctl.conf-kernelversion.diff 0000001278 1.25 KB
procps.changes 0000080290 78.4 KB
procps.spec 0000011582 11.3 KB
Revision 113 (latest revision is 138)
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 756713 from Dr. Werner Fink's avatar Dr. Werner Fink (WernerFink) (revision 113)
- Update to procps-ng-3.3.16
  * library: Increment to 8:2:0
    No removals or functions
    Internal changes only, so revision is incremented.
    Previous version should have been 8:1:0 not 8:0:1
  * docs: Use correct symbols for -h option in free.1      Debian #898774
  * docs: ps.1 now warns about command name length         issue #101
  * docs: install translated man pages                     issue #146
  * pgrep: Match on runstate                               issue #109, Debian #919381
  * snice: Fix matching on pid                             merge #89
  * top: can now exploit 256-color terminals               issue #96
  * top: preserves 'other filters' in configuration file   issue #99
  * top: can now collapse/expand forest view children      issue #99
  * top: parent %CPU time includes collapsed children
  * top: improve xterm support for vim navigation keys     issue #135
  * top: avoid segmentation fault at program termination   Redhat #1737552
- Port patches (mostly changed offsets of the hunks)
  * procps-ng-3.3.10-fdleak.dif
  * procps-ng-3.3.10-large_pcpu.patch
  * procps-ng-3.3.10-slab.patch
  * procps-ng-3.3.10-xen.dif
  * procps-ng-3.3.8-bnc634840.patch
  * procps-ng-3.3.8-petabytes.patch
  * procps-ng-3.3.8-readeof.patch
  * procps-ng-3.3.8-tinfo.dif
  * procps-ng-3.3.8-vmstat-terabyte.dif
  * procps-v3.3.3-read-sysctls-also-from-boot-sysctl.conf-kernelversion.diff
- Delete patches now upstream
  * procps-ng-3.3.15-typo.patch
  * procps-ng-3.3.8-top.1.diff
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