Simple software installation management software

Edit Package PackageKit

PackageKit is a system designed to make installing and updating
software on your computer easier. The primary design goal is to unify
all the software graphical tools used in different distributions, and
use some of the latest technology like PolicyKit to make the process
suck less.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
PackageKit-1.2.2.tar.xz 0002745144 2.62 MB
PackageKit-1.2.2.tar.xz.asc 0000000488 488 Bytes
PackageKit-dnf-Add-support-for-AppStream-repodata-basenames-use.patch 0000001294 1.26 KB
PackageKit-dnf-Add-support-for-coercing-upgrade-to-distupgrade.patch 0000002413 2.36 KB
PackageKit-fix-crash-pre-dbus.patch 0000000878 878 Bytes
PackageKit-remove-polkit-rules.patch 0000000532 532 Bytes
PackageKit-systemd-timers.patch 0000005270 5.15 KB
PackageKit-zypp-cleanup-tmp-files.patch 0000001027 1 KB
PackageKit-zypp-reset-update-mode-after-get-updates.patch 0000000865 865 Bytes
PackageKit.changes 0000172934 169 KB
PackageKit.keyring 0000013179 12.9 KB
PackageKit.spec 0000018159 17.7 KB
PackageKit.tmpfiles 0000000174 174 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000153 153 Bytes
Revision 214 (latest revision is 240)
Comments 0
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