Improve Lighting, Correct Exposure, Add Synthetic Light to Photos

Edit Package urbanlightscape

Urban Lightscape is a photo filter for exposure correction,
localized brightness adjustments, dodging and burning, and the
introduction of synthetic lighting to a photo. A simple
"double-click-and-drag" paradigm is used to place control points on
a photo, and clever edge detection localises and interpolates
lightness adjustments around and between these points. Results are
rapid, with additional controls for more subtle refinements.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
urbanlightscape-1.4.0.tar.gz 0000582533 569 KB
urbanlightscape.changes 0000002641 2.58 KB
urbanlightscape.spec 0000003533 3.45 KB
urbanlightscape_128.png 0000027965 27.3 KB
Revision 7 (latest revision is 8)
Comments 0
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