Read and write meta information

Edit Package perl-Image-ExifTool

ExifTool provides an extensible set of perl modules to read and write meta
information in a wide variety of files, including the maker note
information of many digital cameras by various manufacturers such as Canon,
Casio, FujiFilm, HP, JVC/Victor, Kodak, Leaf, Minolta/Konica-Minolta,
Nikon, Olympus/Epson, Panasonic/Leica, Pentax/Asahi, Ricoh, Samsung, Sanyo,
Sigma/Foveon and Sony.

Below is a list of file types and meta information formats currently
supported by ExifTool (r = read, w = write, c = create):

File Types
3FR r | DVB r | M2TS r | PAGES r | RW2 r/w
3G2 r | DYLIB r | M4A/V r | PBM r/w | RWL r/w
3GP r | EIP r | MEF r/w | PDF r/w | RWZ r
ACR r | EPS r/w | MIE r/w/c | PEF r/w | RM r
AFM r | ERF r/w | MIFF r | PFA r | SO r
AI r/w | EXE r | MKA r | PFB r | SR2 r/w
AIFF r | EXIF r/w/c | MKS r | PFM r | SRF r
APE r | F4A/V r | MKV r | PGM r/w | SRW r/w
ARW r/w | FLA r | MNG r/w | PICT r | SVG r
ASF r | FLAC r | MOS r/w | PMP r | SWF r
AVI r | FLV r | MOV r | PNG r/w | THM r/w
BMP r | FPX r | MP3 r | PPM r/w | TIFF r/w
BTF r | GIF r/w | MP4 r | PPT r | TTC r
COS r | GZ r | MPC r | PPTX r | TTF r
CR2 r/w | HDP r/w | MPG r | PS r/w | VRD r/w/c
CRW r/w | HTML r | MPO r/w | PSB r/w | WAV r
CS1 r/w | ICC r/w/c | MQV r | PSD r/w | WDP r/w
DCM r | IIQ r | MRW r/w | PSP r | WEBP r
DCP r/w | IND r/w | NEF r/w | QTIF r | WEBM r
DCR r | ITC r | NRW r/w | RA r | WMA r
DFONT r | JNG r/w | NUMBERS r | RAF r/w | WMV r
DIVX r | JP2 r/w | ODP r | RAM r | X3F r/w
DJVU r | JPEG r/w | ODS r | RAR r | XCF r
DLL r | K25 r | ODT r | RAW r/w | XLS r
DNG r/w | KDC r | OGG r | RIFF r | XLSX r
DOC r | KEY r | ORF r/w | RSRC r | XMP r/w/c
DOCX r | LNK r | OTF r | RTF r | ZIP r

Meta Information
EXIF r/w/c | Kodak Meta r/w | Picture Info r
GPS r/w/c | FotoStation r/w | Adobe APP14 r
IPTC r/w/c | PhotoMechanic r/w | MPF r
XMP r/w/c | JPEG 2000 r | Stim r
MakerNotes r/w/c | DICOM r | APE r
Photoshop IRB r/w/c | Flash r | Vorbis r
ICC Profile r/w/c | FlashPix r | SPIFF r
MIE r/w/c | QuickTime r | DjVu r
JFIF r/w/c | Matroska r | M2TS r
Ducky APP12 r/w/c | GeoTIFF r | PE/COFF r
PDF r/w/c | PrintIM r | AVCHD r
CIFF r/w | ID3 r | ZIP r
AFCP r/w | Ricoh RMETA r | (and more)

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Image-ExifTool-12.71.tar.gz 0005304051 5.06 MB
cpanspec.yml 0000002444 2.39 KB
perl-Image-ExifTool.changes 0000099886 97.5 KB
perl-Image-ExifTool.spec 0000003880 3.79 KB
Revision 59 (latest revision is 80)
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1134589 from Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) (revision 59)
- Update to 12.71:
  * Added a warning if there was an error reading an alternate file
    with the -fileNUM option
  * Added the ability to write QuickTime Keys:Encoder
  * Added a few new Canon LensType values
  * Added a new, obscure EXIF tag
  * Decode real-time metadata from Ricoh Theta videos
  * Decode SpecularWhiteLevel for more Canon models (github #232)
  * Decode Canon DualPixelRaw tag
  * Decode a few new Nikon tags
  * Decode more FujiFilm M-RAW tags
  * Improved generation of tag names for some JSON tag ID's containing colons
  * Fixed "Undefined subroutine" error when writing makernotes as a block
  * Fixed missing ID in family 7 group name for ID3 tags which are not valid
    for the specified ID3 version
  * Fixed bug where some tags from alternate files (with the -fileNUM option)
    could show up as "not defined" when used in expressions even though they did exist
  * API Changes:
    + Added NoMandatory option
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