
Edit Package perl-LWP-ConsoleLogger

BETA BETA BETA. This is currently an experiment. Things could change. Please adjust accordingly. It can be hard (or at least tedious) to debug mechanize scripts. LWP::Debug is deprecated. It suggests you write your own debugging handlers, set up a proxy or install Wireshark. Those are all workable solutions, but this module exists to save you some of that work. The guts of this module are stolen from Plack::Middleware::DebugLogging, which in turn stole most of its internals from Catalyst. If you're new to LWP::ConsoleLogger, I suggest getting started with the LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy wrapper. This will get you up and running in minutes. If you need to tweak the settings that LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy chooses for you (or if you just want to be fancy), please read on. Since this is a debugging library, I've left as much mutable state as possible, so that you can easily toggle output on and off and otherwise adjust how you deal with the output.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-replace-env.patch 0000002919 2.85 KB
LWP-ConsoleLogger-1.000000.tar.gz 0000041492 40.5 KB
cpanspec.yml 0000000713 713 Bytes
perl-LWP-ConsoleLogger.changes 0000001104 1.08 KB
perl-LWP-ConsoleLogger.spec 0000005303 5.18 KB
Latest Revision
Yuchen Lin's avatar Yuchen Lin (maxlin_factory) accepted request 1011737 from Yuchen Lin's avatar Yuchen Lin (maxlin_factory) (revision 2)
Automatically create request by update submitter.This is going to update package to openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP5 from openSUSE:Factory.Please review this change and decline it if Leap do not need it.
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