High productivity build system

Edit Package meson

Meson is a build system designed to optimize programmer productivity.
It aims to do this by providing simple, out-of-the-box support for modern software development tools and practices, such as unit tests, coverage reports, Valgrind, CCache and the like.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
_multibuild 0000000053 53 Bytes
extend-test-timeout-on-qemu-builds.patch 0000000331 331 Bytes
meson-1.6.0.tar.gz 0002277602 2.17 MB
meson-1.6.0.tar.gz.asc 0000000833 833 Bytes
meson-distutils.patch 0000001407 1.37 KB
meson-test-installed-bin.patch 0000001679 1.64 KB
meson-testsuite-with-cmake-3.31.patch 0000000583 583 Bytes
meson.changes 0000091058 88.9 KB
meson.keyring 0000011971 11.7 KB
meson.spec 0000010291 10 KB
Latest Revision
Bernhard obsslowrollbot Wiedemann's avatar Bernhard obsslowrollbot Wiedemann (obsslowrollbot) committed (revision 2)
Set link revision to 59b43c8fb4c208a3b180c921156d0615
Comments 0
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