Tools useful when cross-compiling on linux for windows with MinGW compiler

This project provides some tools that can be used when cross-compiling on linux for windows with MinGW compiler.

Name Changed
Name From
akonadi-runtime windows:mingw
attica-qt4 windows:mingw
autoconf-archive windows:mingw
automoc4 windows:mingw
cmake windows:mingw
gcab windows:mingw
gcab-1.2 windows:mingw
gconf2 windows:mingw
gpsd windows:mingw
gyp windows:mingw
icoutils windows:mingw
jasper windows:mingw
jsoncpp windows:mingw
JWasm windows:mingw
kactivities4 windows:mingw
kde4-filesystem windows:mingw
kdebase4-runtime windows:mingw
kdebase4-workspace windows:mingw
kdelibs4 windows:mingw
kdepimlibs4 windows:mingw
kdevelop4-pg-qt windows:mingw
kdewin-png2ico windows:mingw
libdbusmenu-qt4 windows:mingw
libgit2 windows:mingw
libmng windows:mingw
libprison windows:mingw
libqca2 windows:mingw
libqjson-qt4 windows:mingw
libqt4 windows:mingw
libQtWebKit4 windows:mingw
librsvg windows:mingw
libuv windows:mingw
llvm13 windows:mingw
msitools windows:mingw
netsurf-buildsystem windows:mingw
orbit2 windows:mingw
osslsigncode windows:mingw
p7zip windows:mingw
perl-Parse-Pidl windows:mingw
perl-Switch windows:mingw
pexports windows:mingw
phonon4 windows:mingw
pkgconf windows:mingw
png2ico windows:mingw
polkit-qt4-1 windows:mingw
python-rpm windows:mingw
python-setuptools windows:mingw
python3-gobject2 windows:mingw
python310 windows:mingw
python38 windows:mingw
python39 windows:mingw
qalculate windows:mingw
qimageblitz windows:mingw
qml-autoreqprov windows:mingw
rhash windows:mingw
rpm-config-SUSE windows:mingw
scons windows:mingw
soprano windows:mingw
strigi windows:mingw
swig windows:mingw
util-macros windows:mingw
wine-binfmt windows:mingw
winetricks windows:mingw
zstd windows:mingw
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