
Request 1001131 accepted

- Update to 5.3.3.
* New features
* Printing files now uses a light syntax highlighting theme to
prevent printing files with dark backgrounds.
* Important fixes
* Fix several bugs related with the Layout plugin
(save visible plugins to restore their visiility and tabify
behavior for external plugins).
* Fix several bugs related with the focus management between
the Editor and other panes.
* Improve Find and Replace speed on the Editor.

Request History
andy great's avatar

andythe_great created request

- Update to 5.3.3.
* New features
* Printing files now uses a light syntax highlighting theme to
prevent printing files with dark backgrounds.
* Important fixes
* Fix several bugs related with the Layout plugin
(save visible plugins to restore their visiility and tabify
behavior for external plugins).
* Fix several bugs related with the focus management between
the Editor and other panes.
* Improve Find and Replace speed on the Editor.

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator accepted request

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