
Request 1007112 accepted

- update to 1.26.0:
* feat: add --allow-sys permission flag (#16028)
* feat: add --no-npm flag to disable npm: imports (#15673)
* feat: Add requesting API name to permission prompt (#15936)
* feat: allow exiting on two consecutive ctrl+c presses (#15981)
* feat: download progress bar (#15814)
* feat: implement Web Cache API (#15829)
* feat: Refresh interactive permission prompt (#15907)
* feat: Stabilize Deno.hostname() API (#15932)
* feat: Stabilize Deno.refTimer() and Deno.unrefTimer() APIs (#16036)
* feat: TypeScript 4.8 update (#16040)
* feat(cli): update to TypeScript 4.8 (#15064)
* feat(core): add Deno.core.setPromiseHooks (#15475)
* feat(ext/crypto): add x25519 and Ed25519 CFRG curves (#14119)
* feat(ext/flash): add reuseport option on Linux (#16022)
* feat(info): add information about npm modules cache (#15750)
* feat(lint): add --compact flag for terse output (#15926)
* feat(npm): functionality to support child_process.fork (#15891)
* feat(ops): Fallible fast ops (#15989)
* feat(unstable): Deno.setRaw -> Deno.stdin.setRaw (#15797)
* fix(cli/bench): strace numeric format (#16055)
* fix(cli/vendor): handle assert type json during vendoring (#16059)
* fix(ext/console): fix error when logging a proxied Date (#16018)
* fix(ext/fetch): blob url (#16057)
* fix(ext/flash): reregister socket on partial read on Windows (#16076)
* fix(fmt): keep type args in type queries and keep empty array expr element's
trailing comma (#16034)
* fix(npm): use ntfs junctions in node_modules folder on Windows (#16061)
* fix(require): tryPackage uses optional chaining (#16020)
* fix(runtime): refresh perm prompt 3 lines instead of 4 (#16049)
* perf: don't re-download package tarball to global cache if local node_modules
folder exists for package (#16005)
* perf: use fast ops for tty (#15976)
* perf(ext/console): break on iterableLimit & better sparse array handling (#15935)
* perf(ext/fetch): use content-length in InnerBody.consume (#15925)
- includes 1.25.4:
* feat(unstable/npm): add flag for creating and resolving npm packages to a
local node_modules folder (#15971)
* feat(unstable/npm): add support for --reload=npm: and --reload=npm: (#15972)
* feat(internal/ops): Automatic fast ops creation (#15527)
* fix(compile): keep non-exe extension in output name on Windows (#15994)
* fix(doc): deno doc should parse modules if they haven't been parsed before (#15941)
* fix(ext/node): fix builtin module module (#15904)
* fix(ext/webgpu): make GPUDevice.features SetLike (#15853)
* fix(flash): panic if response if undefined (#15964)
* fix(runtime): better error message with Deno.env.get/set (#15966)
* fix(runtime): fix permission status cache keys (#15899)
* perf(cli): avoid canonicalize_path if config file does not exist (#15957)
* perf(cli): avoid clap::App::clone (#15951)
* perf(cli): use -O3 instead of -Oz (#15952)
* perf(core): use single ObjectTemplate for ops in initialize_ops (#15959)
* perf(ext/console): avoid wrapConsole when not inspecting (#15931)
* perf(web): optimize encodeInto() (#15922)
* perf: fs optimizations - part 1 (#15873)
- update to 1.25.3:
* doc(unstable): mention that signal input isn't supported in spawnSync
* fix(ext/flash): don't block requests (#15852)
* fix(npm): align Deno importing Node cjs with Node esm importing cjs (#15879)
* fix(npm): align Node esm code importing cjs with Node (#15838)
* fix(npm): binary entrypoint for .js or no extension (#15900)
* fix(npm): remove export binding to match node (#15837)
* fix(npm): support cjs resolution of package subpath with package.json (#15855)
* fix(npm): use shim from deno_node crate for 'module' built-in module (#15881)
* fix(ops): add node.js env variable allowlist (#15893)
* perf(ext/flash): remove string->buffer cache (#15850)
* perf(serde_v8): remove Mutex from ZeroCopyBuf (#15888)
* perf(url): return early if url has no query string (#15856)
* perf: optimize URL serialization (#15663)

Request History
Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

avindra created request

- update to 1.26.0:
* feat: add --allow-sys permission flag (#16028)
* feat: add --no-npm flag to disable npm: imports (#15673)
* feat: Add requesting API name to permission prompt (#15936)
* feat: allow exiting on two consecutive ctrl+c presses (#15981)
* feat: download progress bar (#15814)
* feat: implement Web Cache API (#15829)
* feat: Refresh interactive permission prompt (#15907)
* feat: Stabilize Deno.hostname() API (#15932)
* feat: Stabilize Deno.refTimer() and Deno.unrefTimer() APIs (#16036)
* feat: TypeScript 4.8 update (#16040)
* feat(cli): update to TypeScript 4.8 (#15064)
* feat(core): add Deno.core.setPromiseHooks (#15475)
* feat(ext/crypto): add x25519 and Ed25519 CFRG curves (#14119)
* feat(ext/flash): add reuseport option on Linux (#16022)
* feat(info): add information about npm modules cache (#15750)
* feat(lint): add --compact flag for terse output (#15926)
* feat(npm): functionality to support child_process.fork (#15891)
* feat(ops): Fallible fast ops (#15989)
* feat(unstable): Deno.setRaw -> Deno.stdin.setRaw (#15797)
* fix(cli/bench): strace numeric format (#16055)
* fix(cli/vendor): handle assert type json during vendoring (#16059)
* fix(ext/console): fix error when logging a proxied Date (#16018)
* fix(ext/fetch): blob url (#16057)
* fix(ext/flash): reregister socket on partial read on Windows (#16076)
* fix(fmt): keep type args in type queries and keep empty array expr element's
trailing comma (#16034)
* fix(npm): use ntfs junctions in node_modules folder on Windows (#16061)
* fix(require): tryPackage uses optional chaining (#16020)
* fix(runtime): refresh perm prompt 3 lines instead of 4 (#16049)
* perf: don't re-download package tarball to global cache if local node_modules
folder exists for package (#16005)
* perf: use fast ops for tty (#15976)
* perf(ext/console): break on iterableLimit & better sparse array handling (#15935)
* perf(ext/fetch): use content-length in InnerBody.consume (#15925)
- includes 1.25.4:
* feat(unstable/npm): add flag for creating and resolving npm packages to a
local node_modules folder (#15971)
* feat(unstable/npm): add support for --reload=npm: and --reload=npm: (#15972)
* feat(internal/ops): Automatic fast ops creation (#15527)
* fix(compile): keep non-exe extension in output name on Windows (#15994)
* fix(doc): deno doc should parse modules if they haven't been parsed before (#15941)
* fix(ext/node): fix builtin module module (#15904)
* fix(ext/webgpu): make GPUDevice.features SetLike (#15853)
* fix(flash): panic if response if undefined (#15964)
* fix(runtime): better error message with Deno.env.get/set (#15966)
* fix(runtime): fix permission status cache keys (#15899)
* perf(cli): avoid canonicalize_path if config file does not exist (#15957)
* perf(cli): avoid clap::App::clone (#15951)
* perf(cli): use -O3 instead of -Oz (#15952)
* perf(core): use single ObjectTemplate for ops in initialize_ops (#15959)
* perf(ext/console): avoid wrapConsole when not inspecting (#15931)
* perf(web): optimize encodeInto() (#15922)
* perf: fs optimizations - part 1 (#15873)
- update to 1.25.3:
* doc(unstable): mention that signal input isn't supported in spawnSync
* fix(ext/flash): don't block requests (#15852)
* fix(npm): align Deno importing Node cjs with Node esm importing cjs (#15879)
* fix(npm): align Node esm code importing cjs with Node (#15838)
* fix(npm): binary entrypoint for .js or no extension (#15900)
* fix(npm): remove export binding to match node (#15837)
* fix(npm): support cjs resolution of package subpath with package.json (#15855)
* fix(npm): use shim from deno_node crate for 'module' built-in module (#15881)
* fix(ops): add node.js env variable allowlist (#15893)
* perf(ext/flash): remove string->buffer cache (#15850)
* perf(serde_v8): remove Mutex from ZeroCopyBuf (#15888)
* perf(url): return early if url has no query string (#15856)
* perf: optimize URL serialization (#15663)

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RBrownFactory accepted review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:13 got accepted.

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RBrownFactory approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:13 got accepted.

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RBrownFactory accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:13 got accepted.

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