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Request 1007247 accepted

- spec cleanups
- fix URL
- enable build for RISCV64 and 32bit ARM

Tim Serong's avatar

Is the RISCV64 and 32bit ARM enablement necessary? I didn't think we built ceph for those architectures.

Dirk Mueller's avatar

this was a mass-submit to align the ExclusiveArch: lines accross all patterns-* packages to the same value. it should be the "base architectures" imho.

if ceph is currently not built for those, then a) that can change over time and b) the Requires: of the patterns files can be adjusted accordingly imho.

Request History
Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller created request

- spec cleanups
- fix URL
- enable build for RISCV64 and 32bit ARM

Tim Serong's avatar

tserong accepted request

This keeps ExclusiveArch consistent across patterns* packages in Factory

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