
Request 1034206 accepted

- Fix mingw32-freeocl.noarch: W: devel-dependency mingw32-freeocl-devel
- Use _mingw32_cmake... macros (boo#1205135)
- Remove obsolete build references (boo#1201119)
- Remove invalid native reference to the pkgconfig package atomic_ops,
which was also not used with the mingw64 variant
- Remove using custom build type as the mingw64 gcc12 cross compiler
did not fail with release builds
- Add _constraints file to fix oom errors

Request History
Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker created request

- Fix mingw32-freeocl.noarch: W: devel-dependency mingw32-freeocl-devel
- Use _mingw32_cmake... macros (boo#1205135)
- Remove obsolete build references (boo#1201119)
- Remove invalid native reference to the pkgconfig package atomic_ops,
which was also not used with the mingw64 variant
- Remove using custom build type as the mingw64 gcc12 cross compiler
did not fail with release builds
- Add _constraints file to fix oom errors

Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker accepted request

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