
Request 1036960 accepted

- Update to version 3.0.2
## bugfixes
* #4930 interaction between tooltips and gridplots
* #12429 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Line selection does not
render the unselected end line segments
* #12531 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] latex in titles - upright
characters that should be italic
* #12551 [component: tests] bokehjs' unit tests fail on chromium
* #12554 [component: docs] Custom.js needs update for switcher
* #12578 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] gridplot reset button does
not reset all figures
* #12585 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] line_policy='none' for
HoverTool does not generate any tooltip
* #12587 [component: server] [BUG] Don't delete
importlib.metadata in __init__.py
* #12593 [BUG] Guard numpy.typing.ArrayType with `if
## tasks
* #12557 [component: docs] Need automation for updating
* #12560 [FEATURE] remove mock
* #12562 [BUG] Tests: "python" is not a guaranteed executable
* #12566 [component: docs] Fix dates and typo in release docs for
* #12569 [component: build] Add Python 3.11 to CI
* #12571 [component: tests] Remove flaky from integration tests
* #12573 [component: tests] Add a regression test for issue #4888
* #12579 Upgrade to mypy 0.990
* #12581 Disable Selenium integration tests for now
* #12597 Backports for 3.0.2
* #12600 Updates for 3.0.2


Benjamin Greiner's avatar

fixes fsspec failures in Factory and d:l:p

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to version 3.0.2
## bugfixes
* #4930 interaction between tooltips and gridplots
* #12429 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Line selection does not
render the unselected end line segments
* #12531 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] latex in titles - upright
characters that should be italic
* #12551 [component: tests] bokehjs' unit tests fail on chromium
* #12554 [component: docs] Custom.js needs update for switcher
* #12578 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] gridplot reset button does
not reset all figures
* #12585 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] line_policy='none' for
HoverTool does not generate any tooltip
* #12587 [component: server] [BUG] Don't delete
importlib.metadata in __init__.py
* #12593 [BUG] Guard numpy.typing.ArrayType with `if
## tasks
* #12557 [component: docs] Need automation for updating
* #12560 [FEATURE] remove mock
* #12562 [BUG] Tests: "python" is not a guaranteed executable
* #12566 [component: docs] Fix dates and typo in release docs for
* #12569 [component: build] Add Python 3.11 to CI
* #12571 [component: tests] Remove flaky from integration tests
* #12573 [component: tests] Add a regression test for issue #4888
* #12579 Upgrade to mypy 0.990
* #12581 Disable Selenium integration tests for now
* #12597 Backports for 3.0.2
* #12600 Updates for 3.0.2

Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller accepted request

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