
Request 1037175 superseded

- Update to 0.14.1
* This release primarily addresses regressions introduced in
0.14.0 and various long standing bugs. Many thanks to external
contributors @liu-kan and @KedoKudo and the maintainers
@Hoxbro, @maximlt and @philippjfr for contributing a number of
## Minor enhancements
* Improve support for requests in pyodide (#3973)
* Add option to clear value of DatetimePicker (#3990)
* Add support for hashing dates in pn.cache (#4004)
* Silence EMPTY_LAYOUT warnings (#4056)
## Compatibility
* Fix Jupyterlite and latest PyScript compatibility (#4040)
## Bugs
### Webassembly conversion
* Correctly handle resource mode in when converting to
WebAssembly (#3967)
### Jupyter and Server
* Correctly handle future exceptions on threads (#3977)
* Fix panel serve index template (#3980)
* Do not error if curdoc has been destroyed (#3994)
* Ensure extensions loaded in jupyter kernel are served by
StaticHandler (#4000)
* Various fixes for OAuth handling with pn.serve (#4006)
* Fix bug in on_load callback exception handling (#4007)
* Ensure periodic callbacks are only started on main thread
* Ensure jupyter server extension handles explicit root_dir
* Ensure futures are correctly awaited when executed on thread
### Components
* Ensure Tabulator handles filtering on edited values correctly
if show_index=False (#3988, #4016)
* Ensure Tabulator declares numeric sorter for numeric dtypes
* Fix regression initializing DiscreteSlider with non-integer
value (#4009)
* Ensure that template.config.raw_css is correctly applied
* Fix handling MenuButton clicks when split=True (#4021)
* Ensure styling on Tabulator with empty DataFrame does not error
* Allow changing level on Debugger widget (#4057)
- Release 0.14.0
* This release focuses on three main themes:
- Support for running Panel apps entirely in the browser using
WebAssembly (via Pyodide and PyScript)
- Improvements in the app-user experience by making it easier
to build responsive and performant applications
- Improvements in the developer experience through static
typing and docstrings.
* Many, many thanks to everyone who filed issues or contributed
to this release. In particular we would like to thank @janimo,
@xavArtley, @thuydotm, @jmosbacher, @dmarx, @2WoLpH, @ipopa144,
@sdc50 for contributions and @philippjfr, @Hoxbro, @maximlt,
and @MarcSkovMadsen for ongoing maintenance and development.
## Features
* Add support for converting Panel apps to pyscript/pyodide
(#3817, #3830, #3851, #3856, #3857, #3858, #3860, #3861, #3863,
#3864, #3868, #3878)
* Manage our own CDN to improve performance and reliability for
delivering JS payloads (#3867, #3870)
* Add ability to defer_load of components (#3882)
* Add pn.widget helper function (#1826, #3589)
* Add config.exception_handler to easily capture, log and notify
users about errors (#3893)
* Implement pn.cache function for memoization support (#2411)
* Rewrite server extension to run Panel applications in kernels
so that previews run in the same environment as the deployed
app (#3763)
* Add ability to define authorization callback (#3777)
* Support memray profiler (#3509)
* Add liveness endpoint (#3832)
* Add ability to configure exception handler (#3896)
## Enhancements
* Ensure OAuth redirects to requested app and retains query
arguments (#3555)
* Add extension entry point (#3738)
* Update Admin Logs page to use Tabulator (#3694)
* Ensure location.unsync unsets query params (#3806)
* Allow None value on numeric sliders and LiteralInput (#3174)
* Allow serving admin panel with pn.serve (#3798)
* Improve ReactiveHTML loop support and validation (#3813)
* Support declaring Perspective.plugin_config pane (#3814)
* Do not flicker busy indicator during --autoreload check (#3804)
* Improve robustness of state.curdoc in threaded and async
contexts (#3776, #3810, #3834)
* Support datetime bounds for DatetimePicker and
DatetimeRangePicker (#3788)
* Allow setting the Oauth provider using environment variables
* Implement Player.value_throttled (#3756)
* Ensure that URL query parameters are preserved during OAuth
* Improve Markdown code syntax highlighting (#3758)
* Ensure components do not re-render if background or loading
parameters change (#3599)
* Add ability to define admin dashboard plugins (#3668)
* Do not calculate embed state for disabled widgets (#3757)
* Add hard bounds to editable sliders (#3739)
* Add bundling of shared resources (#3894)
* Add Tabulator as default param.DataFrame widget (#3912)
## Compatibility & Version updates
* Support ipywidgets>=8.0 (#3782)
* Bump jsoneditor package (#3838)
* Upgrade to Tabulator 5.3.2 (#3784)
* Improve Django compatibility (#3843, #3835)
* Remove all usage of deprecated Pane
## Bugs
### Server
* Ensure closed websocket does not cause errors
* Handle session and websocket close cleanly (#3769)
* Fix prefix handling for admin page (#3809)
* Support admin dashboard in multi-process deployments (#3812)
* Improve document cleanup when not invoked using server_destroy
* Ensure pn.state.execute dispatches immediately if possible
* Ensure autoload.js resources are appropriately prefixed (#3873)
### Notebook
* Fix support for copying cells and creating new views in
JupyterLab (#3652)
* Ensure output renders in VSCode notebook with latest ipywidgets
* Resolve issues with Jupyter slowdown due to event_loop patching
on Windows (#3770)
* Ensure old comm managers do not raise errors in notebook
* Simplify rendering of ipywidget (#3937)
### Tabulator
* Do not re-render Tabulator on css_classes or background change
* Ensure expand icon updates on Tabulator.expanded change (#3703)
* Update page Parameter when pagination is 'local' (#3704)
* Do not apply sorters on Tabulator cell edits (#3744)
* Ensure Tabulator.controls renders (#3768)
* Ensure correctness of event row and selection indices in
Tabulator (#3771, #3841)
* Fix issues with frontend and backend sorters being out of sync
in Tabulator (#3825, #3839)
* Fix default values of a list header filter in Tabulator (#3826)
* Fix the edit event with a python filter in Tabulator (#3829)
* Disable client-side date filtering on Tabulator (#3849)
* Support editing of pandas masked array dtypes in Tabulator
* Fix issues editing a cell when client-side filtering applied
* Do not recompute data when local pagination is enabled (#3854)
* Don't skip filtering when the column name is undefined (#3862)
### Misc
* Fix FileInput.save (#3579)
* Fix issues with Matplotlib.high_dpi option (#3591, #3594)
* Ensure layout recomputes on HTML/Markdown re-rerender (#3616)
* Allow overriding all widget parameters on Param pane (#3754)
* Ensure DatePicker start/end are transformed when jslinked
* Ensure notifications can be enabled without a template (#3820)
* Ensure ReactiveHTML inline callbacks on loop variables return
correct node (#3840)
* Ensure that Perspective does not take precedence on empty dict
* Improve sizing_mode behavior when width/height are specified
* Do not load notyf resources unless notifications are enabled


Benjamin Greiner's avatar

This one requires bokeh2: sr#1037172. See also gh#holoviz/panel#4097

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to 0.14.1
* This release primarily addresses regressions introduced in
0.14.0 and various long standing bugs. Many thanks to external
contributors @liu-kan and @KedoKudo and the maintainers
@Hoxbro, @maximlt and @philippjfr for contributing a number of
## Minor enhancements
* Improve support for requests in pyodide (#3973)
* Add option to clear value of DatetimePicker (#3990)
* Add support for hashing dates in pn.cache (#4004)
* Silence EMPTY_LAYOUT warnings (#4056)
## Compatibility
* Fix Jupyterlite and latest PyScript compatibility (#4040)
## Bugs
### Webassembly conversion
* Correctly handle resource mode in when converting to
WebAssembly (#3967)
### Jupyter and Server
* Correctly handle future exceptions on threads (#3977)
* Fix panel serve index template (#3980)
* Do not error if curdoc has been destroyed (#3994)
* Ensure extensions loaded in jupyter kernel are served by
StaticHandler (#4000)
* Various fixes for OAuth handling with pn.serve (#4006)
* Fix bug in on_load callback exception handling (#4007)
* Ensure periodic callbacks are only started on main thread
* Ensure jupyter server extension handles explicit root_dir
* Ensure futures are correctly awaited when executed on thread
### Components
* Ensure Tabulator handles filtering on edited values correctly
if show_index=False (#3988, #4016)
* Ensure Tabulator declares numeric sorter for numeric dtypes
* Fix regression initializing DiscreteSlider with non-integer
value (#4009)
* Ensure that template.config.raw_css is correctly applied
* Fix handling MenuButton clicks when split=True (#4021)
* Ensure styling on Tabulator with empty DataFrame does not error
* Allow changing level on Debugger widget (#4057)
- Release 0.14.0
* This release focuses on three main themes:
- Support for running Panel apps entirely in the browser using
WebAssembly (via Pyodide and PyScript)
- Improvements in the app-user experience by making it easier
to build responsive and performant applications
- Improvements in the developer experience through static
typing and docstrings.
* Many, many thanks to everyone who filed issues or contributed
to this release. In particular we would like to thank @janimo,
@xavArtley, @thuydotm, @jmosbacher, @dmarx, @2WoLpH, @ipopa144,
@sdc50 for contributions and @philippjfr, @Hoxbro, @maximlt,
and @MarcSkovMadsen for ongoing maintenance and development.
## Features
* Add support for converting Panel apps to pyscript/pyodide
(#3817, #3830, #3851, #3856, #3857, #3858, #3860, #3861, #3863,
#3864, #3868, #3878)
* Manage our own CDN to improve performance and reliability for
delivering JS payloads (#3867, #3870)
* Add ability to defer_load of components (#3882)
* Add pn.widget helper function (#1826, #3589)
* Add config.exception_handler to easily capture, log and notify
users about errors (#3893)
* Implement pn.cache function for memoization support (#2411)
* Rewrite server extension to run Panel applications in kernels
so that previews run in the same environment as the deployed
app (#3763)
* Add ability to define authorization callback (#3777)
* Support memray profiler (#3509)
* Add liveness endpoint (#3832)
* Add ability to configure exception handler (#3896)
## Enhancements
* Ensure OAuth redirects to requested app and retains query
arguments (#3555)
* Add extension entry point (#3738)
* Update Admin Logs page to use Tabulator (#3694)
* Ensure location.unsync unsets query params (#3806)
* Allow None value on numeric sliders and LiteralInput (#3174)
* Allow serving admin panel with pn.serve (#3798)
* Improve ReactiveHTML loop support and validation (#3813)
* Support declaring Perspective.plugin_config pane (#3814)
* Do not flicker busy indicator during --autoreload check (#3804)
* Improve robustness of state.curdoc in threaded and async
contexts (#3776, #3810, #3834)
* Support datetime bounds for DatetimePicker and
DatetimeRangePicker (#3788)
* Allow setting the Oauth provider using environment variables
* Implement Player.value_throttled (#3756)
* Ensure that URL query parameters are preserved during OAuth
* Improve Markdown code syntax highlighting (#3758)
* Ensure components do not re-render if background or loading
parameters change (#3599)
* Add ability to define admin dashboard plugins (#3668)
* Do not calculate embed state for disabled widgets (#3757)
* Add hard bounds to editable sliders (#3739)
* Add bundling of shared resources (#3894)
* Add Tabulator as default param.DataFrame widget (#3912)
## Compatibility & Version updates
* Support ipywidgets>=8.0 (#3782)
* Bump jsoneditor package (#3838)
* Upgrade to Tabulator 5.3.2 (#3784)
* Improve Django compatibility (#3843, #3835)
* Remove all usage of deprecated Pane
## Bugs
### Server
* Ensure closed websocket does not cause errors
* Handle session and websocket close cleanly (#3769)
* Fix prefix handling for admin page (#3809)
* Support admin dashboard in multi-process deployments (#3812)
* Improve document cleanup when not invoked using server_destroy
* Ensure pn.state.execute dispatches immediately if possible
* Ensure autoload.js resources are appropriately prefixed (#3873)
### Notebook
* Fix support for copying cells and creating new views in
JupyterLab (#3652)
* Ensure output renders in VSCode notebook with latest ipywidgets
* Resolve issues with Jupyter slowdown due to event_loop patching
on Windows (#3770)
* Ensure old comm managers do not raise errors in notebook
* Simplify rendering of ipywidget (#3937)
### Tabulator
* Do not re-render Tabulator on css_classes or background change
* Ensure expand icon updates on Tabulator.expanded change (#3703)
* Update page Parameter when pagination is 'local' (#3704)
* Do not apply sorters on Tabulator cell edits (#3744)
* Ensure Tabulator.controls renders (#3768)
* Ensure correctness of event row and selection indices in
Tabulator (#3771, #3841)
* Fix issues with frontend and backend sorters being out of sync
in Tabulator (#3825, #3839)
* Fix default values of a list header filter in Tabulator (#3826)
* Fix the edit event with a python filter in Tabulator (#3829)
* Disable client-side date filtering on Tabulator (#3849)
* Support editing of pandas masked array dtypes in Tabulator
* Fix issues editing a cell when client-side filtering applied
* Do not recompute data when local pagination is enabled (#3854)
* Don't skip filtering when the column name is undefined (#3862)
### Misc
* Fix FileInput.save (#3579)
* Fix issues with Matplotlib.high_dpi option (#3591, #3594)
* Ensure layout recomputes on HTML/Markdown re-rerender (#3616)
* Allow overriding all widget parameters on Param pane (#3754)
* Ensure DatePicker start/end are transformed when jslinked
* Ensure notifications can be enabled without a template (#3820)
* Ensure ReactiveHTML inline callbacks on loop variables return
correct node (#3840)
* Ensure that Perspective does not take precedence on empty dict
* Improve sizing_mode behavior when width/height are specified
* Do not load notyf resources unless notifications are enabled

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator superseded request

superseded by 1037185

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