Request 1040485 accepted
- Update to 0.18.2
* Added dataclass-equivalent for attrs.define
* Find fixtures from Pytest entrypoints; Examples of pytest plugins installed like this are pytest-django, pytest-sugar and Faker.
* Fixed Project.search, when a venv was involved, which is why for example :Pyimport django.db did not work in some cases in jedi-vim.
* And many smaller bugfixes
- Created by yarunachalam
- In state accepted
- Package maintainer: bnavigator
Request History
yarunachalam created request
- Update to 0.18.2
* Added dataclass-equivalent for attrs.define
* Find fixtures from Pytest entrypoints; Examples of pytest plugins installed like this are pytest-django, pytest-sugar and Faker.
* Fixed Project.search, when a venv was involved, which is why for example :Pyimport django.db did not work in some cases in jedi-vim.
* And many smaller bugfixes
mcepl accepted request