
Request 1041273 accepted

- Update to version 0.11.0:
* Packaging
- Minimum Rust version has been bumped to 1.57.0
- Renamed io.alacritty.Alacritty.appdata.xml to org.alacritty.Alacritty.appdata.xml
- Renamed io.alacritty to org.alacritty for Alacritty.app
* Fixed
- Creating the IPC socket failing if WAYLAND_DISPLAY contains an absolute path
- Crash when resetting the terminal while in vi mode
- font.glyph_offset not live reloading
- Failure when running on 10-bit color system
- The colors being slightly different when using srgb displays on macOS
- Vi cursor blinking not reset when navigating in search
- Scrolling and middle-clicking modifying the primary selection
- Bottom gap for certain builtin box drawing characters
- Incorrect built-in glyphs for U+2567 and U+2568
- Character mappings in the DEC special graphics character set (line drawing)
- Window flickering on resize on Wayland
- Unnecessary config reload when using /dev/null as a config file
- Windows Open Alacritty Here on root of drive displaying error
- On macOS, font.use_thin_strokes did not work since Big Sur
- On macOS, trying to load a disabled font would crash
- On macOS, Alacritty sessions did not appear in the list of tty sessions for w and who
- Cursor not hiding on GNOME Wayland
- Font having different scale factor after monitor powering off/on on X11
- Viewport not updating after opening a new tabbed window on macOS
- Terminal not exiting sometimes after closing all windows on macOS
- CPU usage spikes due to mouse movements for unfocused windows on X11/Windows
- First window on macOS not tabbed with system prefer tabs setting
- Window being treaten as focused by default on Wayland
* Removed
- font.use_thin_strokes config field; to use thin strokes on macOS, set
- AppleFontSmoothing to 0 with $ defaults write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0
- Add _constraints file. 8GB of RAM to build alacritty


Request History
Soc Virnyl Estela's avatar

uncomfyhalomacro created request

- Update to version 0.11.0:
* Packaging
- Minimum Rust version has been bumped to 1.57.0
- Renamed io.alacritty.Alacritty.appdata.xml to org.alacritty.Alacritty.appdata.xml
- Renamed io.alacritty to org.alacritty for Alacritty.app
* Fixed
- Creating the IPC socket failing if WAYLAND_DISPLAY contains an absolute path
- Crash when resetting the terminal while in vi mode
- font.glyph_offset not live reloading
- Failure when running on 10-bit color system
- The colors being slightly different when using srgb displays on macOS
- Vi cursor blinking not reset when navigating in search
- Scrolling and middle-clicking modifying the primary selection
- Bottom gap for certain builtin box drawing characters
- Incorrect built-in glyphs for U+2567 and U+2568
- Character mappings in the DEC special graphics character set (line drawing)
- Window flickering on resize on Wayland
- Unnecessary config reload when using /dev/null as a config file
- Windows Open Alacritty Here on root of drive displaying error
- On macOS, font.use_thin_strokes did not work since Big Sur
- On macOS, trying to load a disabled font would crash
- On macOS, Alacritty sessions did not appear in the list of tty sessions for w and who
- Cursor not hiding on GNOME Wayland
- Font having different scale factor after monitor powering off/on on X11
- Viewport not updating after opening a new tabbed window on macOS
- Terminal not exiting sometimes after closing all windows on macOS
- CPU usage spikes due to mouse movements for unfocused windows on X11/Windows
- First window on macOS not tabbed with system prefer tabs setting
- Window being treaten as focused by default on Wayland
* Removed
- font.use_thin_strokes config field; to use thin strokes on macOS, set
- AppleFontSmoothing to 0 with $ defaults write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0
- Add _constraints file. 8GB of RAM to build alacritty

Marcus Meissner's avatar

msmeissn accepted request


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