Request 1043307 superseded
- Merge pam_unix back into pam, seperate package not needed anymore
- Update pam-git.diff to current upstream
- pam_env: Use vendor specific pam_env.conf and environment as fallback
- pam_shells: Use the vendor directory
obsoletes pam_env_econf.patch
- Refresh docbook5.patch (forwarded request 1043306 from kukuk)
- Created by kukuk
- In state superseded
- Supersedes 981310 983284
- Superseded by 1043316
- Open review for licensedigger
- Open review for factory-staging
5+- Move PAM config files from /usr/etc/pam.d to /usr/lib/pam.d
5- --enable-vendordir=%{_distconfdir} \ 6+ --enable-vendordir=%{_prefix}/etc/pam.d \
The two do not represent the same thing to me
and in macros we then have:
6+%_pam_vendordir %{_libdir}/pam.d
which is /usr/lib64/pam.d (on x86_64)
That seems inconsistent:
in .spec:
5- --enable-vendordir=%{_distconfdir} \ 6+ --enable-vendordir=%{_prefix}/etc \
in macros:
5-%_pam_vendordir %{_distconfdir}/pam.d 6+%_pam_vendordir %{_usr}/lib/pam.d
i.e. in the spec we use /usr/etc (which is the same as _distconfdir, no real change) and in the macro it moves from /usr/etc/pam.d to /usr/lib/pam.d (as advertised in the changes file)
Is that all intentional like this?
This breaks at least shadow and util-linux so far
Why is obs-autosubmit already submitting something after three days? In the past this was only after 14 days or longer... Three days, especially if there are public holidays, are not even close to be enough to test everything before submitting to Factory :( I suggest to change obs-autosubmit to "opt-in" or you have to live with not fully tested packages...
Yes, the changes are intentional to be in sync with 3rd party software only knowing upstream /etc/pam.d and /usr/lib/pam.d paths and to avoid long discussions why we are doing it differently, if there is already another directory.
What breaks shadow and util-linux is that their move to usr/etc is so old that they are not using the PAM macros and now nothing owns the old directory... This is already fixed, but public holiday was faster then finishing testing since somebody released a new snapshot which prevented OBS to rebuild the project in time ;)
Request History
kukuk created request
- Merge pam_unix back into pam, seperate package not needed anymore
- Update pam-git.diff to current upstream
- pam_env: Use vendor specific pam_env.conf and environment as fallback
- pam_shells: Use the vendor directory
obsoletes pam_env_econf.patch
- Refresh docbook5.patch (forwarded request 1043306 from kukuk)
factory-auto declined review
Source validator failed. Try "osc service runall source_validator"
ERROR: 'pam_unix' referenced in baselibs.conf is not being built
factory-auto declined request
Source validator failed. Try "osc service runall source_validator"
ERROR: 'pam_unix' referenced in baselibs.conf is not being built
superseded by 1043316