
Request 1045708 superseded

- Backport fix to properly highlight the native pipe "|>" as an
operator in the R console.
- Backport fix to display progress bars from 'cli' package in
RKWard R console. See "Fix_handling_carriage_returns.patch". (forwarded request 1045675 from flyos)

Request History
Detlef Steuer's avatar

dsteuer created request

- Backport fix to properly highlight the native pipe "|>" as an
operator in the R console.
- Backport fix to display progress bars from 'cli' package in
RKWard R console. See "Fix_handling_carriage_returns.patch". (forwarded request 1045675 from flyos)

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined review

A patch (Fix_Syntax_Pipe.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined request

A patch (Fix_Syntax_Pipe.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.

Detlef Steuer's avatar

dsteuer superseded request

superseded by 1137043

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