
Request 1055967 accepted

- Update to version 3.0.3
* Bokeh Version 3.0.3 (Dec 2022) is a point release that
addresses layout issues affecting downstream projects, as well
as other small regressions and bugfixes.
* Fix export with fractional CSS lengths (#12611)
* Fix layout propagation in nested mixed layouts (#12583)
* Fix application of UI element styles in Firefox (#12633)
* Add default styles to FILE template (#12627)
* Ensure change callback manipulation is threadsafe (#12623)

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to version 3.0.3
* Bokeh Version 3.0.3 (Dec 2022) is a point release that
addresses layout issues affecting downstream projects, as well
as other small regressions and bugfixes.
* Fix export with fractional CSS lengths (#12611)
* Fix layout propagation in nested mixed layouts (#12583)
* Fix application of UI element styles in Firefox (#12633)
* Add default styles to FILE template (#12627)
* Ensure change callback manipulation is threadsafe (#12623)

Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller accepted request

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