
Request 1056091 accepted

- update to 22.12.0:
* A cleaner status bar with double-click actions
* Better display of labels
* box() now is displayed as a box, as the maxima manual states
* box(expr, "highlight") display expr in red, instead
* Resolved a few display glitches
* Resolved OS-dependant wrong actions on gui events
* A few system and compiler specific fixes
* Resolved a few compilation warnings
* Try harder to connect maxima if one communication port is blocked
* Better display of help text in the console
* Faster saving of .wxmx files
* Better toolbar bitmap handling

Request History
Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller created request

- update to 22.12.0:
* A cleaner status bar with double-click actions
* Better display of labels
* box() now is displayed as a box, as the maxima manual states
* box(expr, "highlight") display expr in red, instead
* Resolved a few display glitches
* Resolved OS-dependant wrong actions on gui events
* A few system and compiler specific fixes
* Resolved a few compilation warnings
* Try harder to connect maxima if one communication port is blocked
* Better display of help text in the console
* Faster saving of .wxmx files
* Better toolbar bitmap handling

Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

badshah400 accepted request

Many thanks

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