
Request 1057065 accepted

- Add missing patch after rebase to fix collections Mapping issues
- Added:
* fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch

Request History
Pablo Suárez Hernández's avatar

PSuarezHernandez created request

- Add missing patch after rebase to fix collections Mapping issues
- Added:
* fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch

Pablo Suárez Hernández's avatar

PSuarezHernandez accepted request

This is a missing patch file that I wrongly dropped during the rebase of our patches to 3005.1.

This SR just brings the patch back to fix the issues found around "collections.Mapping" not existing. Changes from this patch are still in "develop" branch and not yet pushed to upstream.

I'm autoaccepting this SR as these changes were already part of our package.

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