
Request 1057997 superseded

Make the priority for picking the storage driver configurable
Backport of https://github.com/containers/storage/pull/1460


Fabian Vogt's avatar

You'll have to mention the patch filename in .changes

Fabian Vogt's avatar

The patch should ideally be created by git format-patch -1, including the full headers

Dan Čermák's avatar

Please don't modify the tarball, instead add the cherry picked commit as a patch file. Then add that patch file to the spec and add a changelog entry using osc vc

Request History
Danish Prakash's avatar

danishprakash created request

Make the priority for picking the storage driver configurable
Backport of https://github.com/containers/storage/pull/1460

Danish Prakash's avatar

danishprakash superseded request

superseded by 1058017

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