Request 1058234 accepted
- Make the priority for picking the storage driver configurable (bsc#1197093)
(backport of https://github.com/containers/storage/pull/1460)
- add patch: 0002-Make-the-priority-for-picking-the-storage-driver-con.patch
- Created by danishprakash
- In state accepted
- Package maintainers: dancermak and danishprakash
- Supersedes 1058228
The -------------------------------------------------------------------
separator is missing in .changes somehow (did you not use osc vc
?), but otherwise LGTM
I've been using osc vc
, idk how that got missed, sorry about that.
Request History
danishprakash created request
- Make the priority for picking the storage driver configurable (bsc#1197093)
(backport of https://github.com/containers/storage/pull/1460)
- add patch: 0002-Make-the-priority-for-picking-the-storage-driver-con.patch
favogt accepted request
@RBrownSUSE, @favogt, @kukuk, @lnussel: review reminder