
Request 1058234 accepted

- Make the priority for picking the storage driver configurable (bsc#1197093)
(backport of https://github.com/containers/storage/pull/1460)
- add patch: 0002-Make-the-priority-for-picking-the-storage-driver-con.patch


Fabian Vogt's avatar

The ------------------------------------------------------------------- separator is missing in .changes somehow (did you not use osc vc?), but otherwise LGTM

Danish Prakash's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

I've been using osc vc, idk how that got missed, sorry about that.

Request History
Danish Prakash's avatar

danishprakash created request

- Make the priority for picking the storage driver configurable (bsc#1197093)
(backport of https://github.com/containers/storage/pull/1460)
- add patch: 0002-Make-the-priority-for-picking-the-storage-driver-con.patch

Fabian Vogt's avatar

favogt accepted request


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