Request 1059545 accepted
- Update to 1.29.52
* api-change:``cloudwatch``: Update cloudwatch client to latest version
* api-change:``efs``: Update efs client to latest version
* api-change:``ivschat``: Updates the range for a Chat Room's maximumMessageRatePerSecond field.
* api-change:``wafv2``: Improved the visibility of the guidance for updating AWS WAF resources,
such as web ACLs and rule groups.
- from version 1.29.51
* api-change:``billingconductor``: This release adds support for SKU Scope for pricing plans.
* api-change:``cloud9``: Added minimum value to AutomaticStopTimeMinutes parameter.
* api-change:``imagebuilder``: Add support for AWS Marketplace product IDs as input during
CreateImageRecipe for the parent-image parameter. Add support for listing third-party components.
* api-change:``network-firewall``: Network Firewall now allows creation of dual stack endpoints,
enabling inspection of IPv6 traffic.
Request History
glaubitz created request
- Update to 1.29.52
* api-change:``cloudwatch``: Update cloudwatch client to latest version
* api-change:``efs``: Update efs client to latest version
* api-change:``ivschat``: Updates the range for a Chat Room's maximumMessageRatePerSecond field.
* api-change:``wafv2``: Improved the visibility of the guidance for updating AWS WAF resources,
such as web ACLs and rule groups.
- from version 1.29.51
* api-change:``billingconductor``: This release adds support for SKU Scope for pricing plans.
* api-change:``cloud9``: Added minimum value to AutomaticStopTimeMinutes parameter.
* api-change:``imagebuilder``: Add support for AWS Marketplace product IDs as input during
CreateImageRecipe for the parent-image parameter. Add support for listing third-party components.
* api-change:``network-firewall``: Network Firewall now allows creation of dual stack endpoints,
enabling inspection of IPv6 traffic.
rjschwei accepted review
rjschwei approved review
rjschwei accepted request