This request supersedes:
request 1062672
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Request 1063041 accepted
New upstream release 4.4.0
- Created by dancermak
- In state accepted
- Package maintainers: dancermak and danishprakash
- Supersedes 1062672
target maintainer
FWICT podman-clean-transient.service
is not a user service so shouldn't be passed to %systemd_user_post(un)
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Why are we removing the posttrans and triggerrun scripts? There's nothing in this submission that explains why those might be irrelevant now
Especially when this package could end up being needed in SLE/ALP where upgrades from old podman/-cni-config could still happen jumping to this version
These triggerun and postrrans scriptlets handle upgrades from podman < 2.0. We do not ship that podman version in any SLE release any more, and have not done so for quite some time. Imho that's old enough so that we can start removing them
FWICT the only relevant case is upgrading from 15 SP1 GA. Even SP1 maintenance updates have podman > 2.0 already.
@RBrownSUSE, @favogt, @kukuk, @lnussel: review reminder