
Request 1064042 accepted

- Budgie Extras 1.5.0 "Breathing Space"
* Lots of new and updated translations from the wonderful
translations team
* traditional layout now reflects the budgie desktop v10.7
default layout.
* bug-fix - reset key-grabs (overlays) where there is not a
custom defined key combination
* code-cleanup don't hard-code /tmp in various applets
* bug-fix - wallstreet accepts custom folder with spaces
* Trash Applet has been updated as follows:
* support multiple file drag and drop to panel icon
* show trash full icon when there are items in trash
* open trash folder instead of popup when > 100 items
* fix paths with certain characters not restoring correctly

Request History
Callum Farmer's avatar

gmbr3 created request

- Budgie Extras 1.5.0 "Breathing Space"
* Lots of new and updated translations from the wonderful
translations team
* traditional layout now reflects the budgie desktop v10.7
default layout.
* bug-fix - reset key-grabs (overlays) where there is not a
custom defined key combination
* code-cleanup don't hard-code /tmp in various applets
* bug-fix - wallstreet accepts custom folder with spaces
* Trash Applet has been updated as follows:
* support multiple file drag and drop to panel icon
* show trash full icon when there are items in trash
* open trash folder instead of popup when > 100 items
* fix paths with certain characters not restoring correctly

Callum Farmer's avatar

gmbr3 accepted review


Callum Farmer's avatar

gmbr3 approved review


Callum Farmer's avatar

gmbr3 accepted request


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