
Request 1067491 accepted

- update to 1.31.0:
* feat(bench): Add JSON reporter for "deno bench" subcommand (#17595)
* feat(bench): change --json output format (#17888)
* feat(core): allow to specify entry point for snapshotted ES modules (#17771)
* feat(ext/ffi): Replace pointer integers with v8::External objects (#16889)
* feat(ext/http): add 2nd param to handler to get remote address (#17633)
* feat(ext/node): embed std/node into the snapshot (#17724)
* feat(ext/node): implement node:v8 (#17806)
* feat(install): follow redirects for urls with no path (#17449)
* feat(node): stabilize Node-API (#17553)
* feat(npm): support bare specifiers from package.json in more subcommands and language server (#17891)
* feat(npm): support npm specifiers in remote modules without --unstable (#17889)
* feat(permissions): grant all permission for a group in permission prompt (#17140)
* feat(task): add warning about package.json scripts support (#17900)
* feat(task): adjust warning (#17904)
* feat(task): support scripts in package.json (#17887)
* feat: Deprecate 'deno bundle' subcommand (#17695)
* feat: Stabilize Deno.Command API (#17628)
* feat: add more variants to Deno.build.os (#17340)
* feat: add signal option to Deno.resolveDns (#17384)
* feat: auto-discover package.json for npm dependencies (#17272)
* feat: stabilize Deno.osUptime() (#17554)
* feat: start caching npm package version's "bin" entry from npm registry (#17881)
* feat: support bare specifier resolution with package.json (#17864)
* feat: wire up ext/node to the Node compatibility layer (#17785)
* fix(cli): Add better error message when powershell is missing during upgrade (#17759)
* fix(cli/graph_util): don't append referrer info for root module errors (#17730)
* fix(cli/napi): correct name handling in napi property descriptor (#17716)
* fix(cli/napi): handle all property variants in napi_define_properties (#17680)
* fix(core): don't allow to import internal code is snapshot is loaded (#17694)
* fix(core): rebuild when JS sources for snapshotting change (#17876)
* fix(core): remove async op inlining optimization (#17899)
* fix(dts): make Deno.Command accept readonly prop in options.args (#17718)
* fix(ext/console): Only right-align integers in console.table() (#17389)
* fix(ext/ffi): Fix re-ref'ing UnsafeCallback (#17704)
* fix(ext/ffi): improve error messages in FFI module (#17786)
* fix(ext/flash): Always send correct number of bytes when handling HEAD requests (#17740)
* fix(ext/flash): wrong order of arguments passed to http1Response (#17893)
* fix(ext/node): add support for BYOB streams (#17803)
* fix(ext/node): fix node stream (#17874)
* fix(ext/node): fix npm module resolution when --node-modules-dir specified (#17896)
* fix(ext/node): fix process.uptime (#17839)
* fix(ext/node): fix webcrypto export (#17838)
* fix(ext/websocket): extra ws pongs sent (#17762)
* fix(fmt): make fmt options CLI args less verbose (#17550)
* fix(lint): revert no-deprecated-api for Deno.run (#17880)
* fix(npm): allow resolving from package.json when an import map exists (#17905)
* fix(npm): filter out duplicate packages names in resolution (#17857)
* fix(npm): improve peer dependency resolution (#17835)
* fix(npm): resolve node_modules dir relative to package.json instead of cwd (#17885)
* fix(npm): support bare specifiers in package.json having a path (#17903)
* fix(ops): Always close cancel handles for read_async/write_async (#17736)
* fix(webgpu): don't default to 0 for setVertexBuffer.size & properly use webidl.setlike (#17800)
* fix(runtime): Refactor fs error mapping to use unified format (#17719)
* fix(webgpu): use correct op for GPUDevice.createSampler (#17729)
* fix: add WouldBlock error (#17339)
* fix: loading built-in Node modules embedded in the binary (#17777)
* fix: use static Reflect methods in nodeGlobalThis proxy (#17696)
* perf(core): speed up promise hook dispatch (#17616)
* perf(core, runtime): Further improve startup time (#17860)
* perf(ext/ffi): Revert UTF-8 validity check from getCString (#17741)
* perf(ext/node): move winerror binding to rust (#17792)
* perf(http): remove allocations checking upgrade and connection header values (#17727)
* perf: disable fetching graph cache info except for deno info (#17698)
* perf: module info cache - avoid MediaType.to_string() allocation (#17699)
* perf: remove current_dir() call in Deno.mainModule (#17883)
* perf: use ops for node:crypto ciphers (#17819)
- includes 1.30.3 / 2023.02.07
* fix(ext/console): log class for class constructor (#17615)
* fix(lsp): prevent crash analyzing module (#17642)
- includes 1.30.2 / 2023.02.03
* Revert "chore(core): remove have_unpolled_ops on rt state (#17601)" (#17631)
* fix(webgpu): specify viewFormats in surface configuration (#17626)
- includes 1.30.1 / 2023.02.02
* Revert "fix(watch): preserve ProcState::file_fetcher between restarts (#15466) (#17591)
* fix(core): Add lint check for core (#17223)
* fix(ext): internal structuredClone for ArrayBuffer and TypedArray subclasses (#17431)
* fix(fmt): semiColons: false - handle prop with following generator and do while with no block body (#17567)
* fix(install): tsconfig.json -> deno.json for config file suffix (#17573)
* fix(lockfile): emit trailing newline (#17618)
* fix(lsp): update document dependencies on configuration change (#17556)
* fix(napi): guard threadsafe function counters behind a mutex (#17552)
* fix(napi): remove wrong length check in napi_create_function (#17614)
* fix(napi): return node globalThis from napi_get_global (#17613)
* fix(repl): handle @types/node not being cached in the repl (#17617)
* fix(upgrade): ensure temp dir cleanup on failure (#17535)
* fix: ensure "fs" -> "node:fs" error/quick fix works when user has import map (#17566)
* perf(ops): Remove unnecessary fast call fallback options usage (#17585)
- Rebase deno-disbale-lto.patch (renamed to deno-disable-lto.patch)

Request History
Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

avindra created request

- update to 1.31.0:
* feat(bench): Add JSON reporter for "deno bench" subcommand (#17595)
* feat(bench): change --json output format (#17888)
* feat(core): allow to specify entry point for snapshotted ES modules (#17771)
* feat(ext/ffi): Replace pointer integers with v8::External objects (#16889)
* feat(ext/http): add 2nd param to handler to get remote address (#17633)
* feat(ext/node): embed std/node into the snapshot (#17724)
* feat(ext/node): implement node:v8 (#17806)
* feat(install): follow redirects for urls with no path (#17449)
* feat(node): stabilize Node-API (#17553)
* feat(npm): support bare specifiers from package.json in more subcommands and language server (#17891)
* feat(npm): support npm specifiers in remote modules without --unstable (#17889)
* feat(permissions): grant all permission for a group in permission prompt (#17140)
* feat(task): add warning about package.json scripts support (#17900)
* feat(task): adjust warning (#17904)
* feat(task): support scripts in package.json (#17887)
* feat: Deprecate 'deno bundle' subcommand (#17695)
* feat: Stabilize Deno.Command API (#17628)
* feat: add more variants to Deno.build.os (#17340)
* feat: add signal option to Deno.resolveDns (#17384)
* feat: auto-discover package.json for npm dependencies (#17272)
* feat: stabilize Deno.osUptime() (#17554)
* feat: start caching npm package version's "bin" entry from npm registry (#17881)
* feat: support bare specifier resolution with package.json (#17864)
* feat: wire up ext/node to the Node compatibility layer (#17785)
* fix(cli): Add better error message when powershell is missing during upgrade (#17759)
* fix(cli/graph_util): don't append referrer info for root module errors (#17730)
* fix(cli/napi): correct name handling in napi property descriptor (#17716)
* fix(cli/napi): handle all property variants in napi_define_properties (#17680)
* fix(core): don't allow to import internal code is snapshot is loaded (#17694)
* fix(core): rebuild when JS sources for snapshotting change (#17876)
* fix(core): remove async op inlining optimization (#17899)
* fix(dts): make Deno.Command accept readonly prop in options.args (#17718)
* fix(ext/console): Only right-align integers in console.table() (#17389)
* fix(ext/ffi): Fix re-ref'ing UnsafeCallback (#17704)
* fix(ext/ffi): improve error messages in FFI module (#17786)
* fix(ext/flash): Always send correct number of bytes when handling HEAD requests (#17740)
* fix(ext/flash): wrong order of arguments passed to http1Response (#17893)
* fix(ext/node): add support for BYOB streams (#17803)
* fix(ext/node): fix node stream (#17874)
* fix(ext/node): fix npm module resolution when --node-modules-dir specified (#17896)
* fix(ext/node): fix process.uptime (#17839)
* fix(ext/node): fix webcrypto export (#17838)
* fix(ext/websocket): extra ws pongs sent (#17762)
* fix(fmt): make fmt options CLI args less verbose (#17550)
* fix(lint): revert no-deprecated-api for Deno.run (#17880)
* fix(npm): allow resolving from package.json when an import map exists (#17905)
* fix(npm): filter out duplicate packages names in resolution (#17857)
* fix(npm): improve peer dependency resolution (#17835)
* fix(npm): resolve node_modules dir relative to package.json instead of cwd (#17885)
* fix(npm): support bare specifiers in package.json having a path (#17903)
* fix(ops): Always close cancel handles for read_async/write_async (#17736)
* fix(webgpu): don't default to 0 for setVertexBuffer.size & properly use webidl.setlike (#17800)
* fix(runtime): Refactor fs error mapping to use unified format (#17719)
* fix(webgpu): use correct op for GPUDevice.createSampler (#17729)
* fix: add WouldBlock error (#17339)
* fix: loading built-in Node modules embedded in the binary (#17777)
* fix: use static Reflect methods in nodeGlobalThis proxy (#17696)
* perf(core): speed up promise hook dispatch (#17616)
* perf(core, runtime): Further improve startup time (#17860)
* perf(ext/ffi): Revert UTF-8 validity check from getCString (#17741)
* perf(ext/node): move winerror binding to rust (#17792)
* perf(http): remove allocations checking upgrade and connection header values (#17727)
* perf: disable fetching graph cache info except for deno info (#17698)
* perf: module info cache - avoid MediaType.to_string() allocation (#17699)
* perf: remove current_dir() call in Deno.mainModule (#17883)
* perf: use ops for node:crypto ciphers (#17819)
- includes 1.30.3 / 2023.02.07
* fix(ext/console): log class for class constructor (#17615)
* fix(lsp): prevent crash analyzing module (#17642)
- includes 1.30.2 / 2023.02.03
* Revert "chore(core): remove have_unpolled_ops on rt state (#17601)" (#17631)
* fix(webgpu): specify viewFormats in surface configuration (#17626)
- includes 1.30.1 / 2023.02.02
* Revert "fix(watch): preserve ProcState::file_fetcher between restarts (#15466) (#17591)
* fix(core): Add lint check for core (#17223)
* fix(ext): internal structuredClone for ArrayBuffer and TypedArray subclasses (#17431)
* fix(fmt): semiColons: false - handle prop with following generator and do while with no block body (#17567)
* fix(install): tsconfig.json -> deno.json for config file suffix (#17573)
* fix(lockfile): emit trailing newline (#17618)
* fix(lsp): update document dependencies on configuration change (#17556)
* fix(napi): guard threadsafe function counters behind a mutex (#17552)
* fix(napi): remove wrong length check in napi_create_function (#17614)
* fix(napi): return node globalThis from napi_get_global (#17613)
* fix(repl): handle @types/node not being cached in the repl (#17617)
* fix(upgrade): ensure temp dir cleanup on failure (#17535)
* fix: ensure "fs" -> "node:fs" error/quick fix works when user has import map (#17566)
* perf(ops): Remove unnecessary fast call fallback options usage (#17585)
- Rebase deno-disbale-lto.patch (renamed to deno-disable-lto.patch)

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