
Request 1069035 accepted

- Update to 2.75.2
- Add patches:
* glib-2.75.2-default_library-both.patch
* glib-2.75.2-fix-finding-tools.patch
* glib-2.75.2-fix-linking.patch
* glib-2.75.2-fix-filename-case.patch
- Removed obsolete patches:
* glib-2.70.2-goption-disable-localization.patch
* glib-2.70.2-fix-finding-tools.patch
- Add glib-2.70.2-fix-finding-tools.patch to fix finding native
glib-compile-* tools in pkgconfig files
- Remove obsolete definition of PKG_CONFIG_PATH
- Use version in all runtime dependencies
- Update to 2.70.2
* Add meson build system
* Add missing runtime dependencies to the development package
* Enable running tests
* Add runtime package as dependency to development package to
fix running cross compiled application (boo#1194430)
- Add missing runtime dependencies to the development package
to be synchronized with the native package
- use python3. python2 may not be installed in build roots anymore
- use /usr/bin/python3 in shebang for dep generator to have a chance
- Fix build issue with win64.
- Update to version 2.42.0
- Update to version 2.38.0
- Update to version 2.36.1.
- Fix build issues with win64.
- Update to version 2.36.0.
- Update to version 2.34.1.
- Update to version 2.34.0.

Request History
Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker created request

- Update to 2.75.2
- Add patches:
* glib-2.75.2-default_library-both.patch
* glib-2.75.2-fix-finding-tools.patch
* glib-2.75.2-fix-linking.patch
* glib-2.75.2-fix-filename-case.patch
- Removed obsolete patches:
* glib-2.70.2-goption-disable-localization.patch
* glib-2.70.2-fix-finding-tools.patch
- Add glib-2.70.2-fix-finding-tools.patch to fix finding native
glib-compile-* tools in pkgconfig files
- Remove obsolete definition of PKG_CONFIG_PATH
- Use version in all runtime dependencies
- Update to 2.70.2
* Add meson build system
* Add missing runtime dependencies to the development package
* Enable running tests
* Add runtime package as dependency to development package to
fix running cross compiled application (boo#1194430)
- Add missing runtime dependencies to the development package
to be synchronized with the native package
- use python3. python2 may not be installed in build roots anymore
- use /usr/bin/python3 in shebang for dep generator to have a chance
- Fix build issue with win64.
- Update to version 2.42.0
- Update to version 2.38.0
- Update to version 2.36.1.
- Fix build issues with win64.
- Update to version 2.36.0.
- Update to version 2.34.1.
- Update to version 2.34.0.

Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker accepted request

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