
Request 1071923 accepted

- Updated to 1.52.0
* Upgraded Boring SSL to address CVE-2023-0286.
* Removed some default allocators.


Dan Čermák's avatar

Could you please be more specific in the changelog?

Илья Индиго's avatar

Upstream not provided ChangeLog. And I'm not sure if it's right to put the ChangeLog from grpc into the ChangeLog of rubygem-grpc.

My problem with vagrant

/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/grpc-1.50.0/src/ruby/lib/grpc/grpc_c.so: warning: undefining the allocator of T_DATA class GRPC::Core::TimeSpec

And after that the vagrant does not started as before, I think this is the problem.



If you need, I can create a bugraport and attach it to the Changelog.

Илья Индиго's avatar

Unfortunately, this only removed the message,

/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/grpc-1.50.0/src/ruby/lib/grpc/grpc_c.so: warning: undefining the allocator of T_DATA class GRPC::Core::TimeSpec

but the problem with vagrant was not solved.


==> default: The machine is booted and ready!

[default] GuestAdditions versions on host (7.0.6) and guest (6.1.34) do not match.

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security

Setting up the installation process

Loading mirror speed from cached host file

The kernel-devel-2.6.32-754.35.1.el6.x86_64 package is already installed, the latest version

The kernel-devel-2.6.32-754.10.1.el6.x86_64 package is already installed and has the latest version

The gcc-4.4.7-23.el6.x86_64 package is already installed and has the latest version

Package binutils- is already installed and has the latest version

Package 1:make-3.81-23.el6.x86_64 is already installed and latest version

Package 4:perl-interpreter-5.10.1-5.el6.noarch is already installed and latest version

Package bzip2-1.0.5-7.el6_0.x86_64 is already installed and latest version

Package elfutils-libelf-devel-0.164-2.el6.x86_64 is already installed and latest version

Nothing to do

Unmounting Virtualbox Guest Additions ISO from: /mnt

umount: /mnt: not mounted

==> default: Checking for guest additions in virtual machine

Default: Guest Addins on this VM do not match installed version

Default: VirtualBox! In most cases this is normal, but in rare cases it can

interfere with the correct operation of things like shared folders. If you see

default: errors with shared folders, make sure that guest add-ons inside

default: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox installed on the

default: host and reboot the virtual machine.


default: Guest add-ons Version: 6.1.34

default: VirtualBox version: 7.0

The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.

Vagrant assumes this means the command did not execute!

umount /mnt

Stdout from command:

Stderr from command:

umount: /mnt: not mounted

VirtualBox itself starts and I can connect to it, but vagrant for some reason can't rebuild the driver itself to the correct version (on 7.0.4 it could do this normally) and gives an error and doesn't execute puppet commands without it.

And I can't determine what's causing it not to work.

Request History
Илья Индиго's avatar

13ilya created request

- Updated to 1.52.0
* Upgraded Boring SSL to address CVE-2023-0286.
* Removed some default allocators.

Dan Čermák's avatar

dancermak accepted request

LGTM, thanks!

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