
Request 1072728 accepted

- update to 1.31.3:
* fix(check): regression where config "types" entries caused type checking
errors (#18124)
* fix(core): Upgrades bytes crate from =1.2.1 to ^1.4.0 (#18123)
* fix(core): SafePromiseAll to be unaffected by Array#@@iterator (#17542)
* fix(core/internal): fix typo in primordial type definitions (#18125)
* fix(ext/fs): retry if file already exists in makeTempFile (#17787)
* fix(ext/http): abort request signal when response errors (#17822)
* fix(ext/node): add crypto.createCipheriv (#18091)
* fix(ext/node): implement "ascii" encoding for node:fs writeFile() (#18097)
* fix(ext/web): Stop using globalThis.ReadableStream in Blob (#18187)
* fix(info/doc): add missing --no-lock and --lock flags (#18166)
* fix(lsp): avoid calling client while holding lock (#18197)
* fix(npm): "not implemented scheme" message should properly show the scheme
* fix(npm): show a progress bar when initializing the node_modules folder
* fix(repl): do not panic deleting Deno or deleting all its properties
* fix: ensure no node_modules directory is created when a package.json exists
and no npm dependencies are used (#18134)
* perf: do not depend on iana-time-zone (#18088)
- update to 1.31.2:
* Revert "perf: disable snapshot compression (#18061)" (#18074)
* deps: bump regexp to ^1.7.0 (#17966)
* deps: bump once_cell to ^1.17.1 (#18075)
* feat(core): prevent isolate drop for CLI main worker (#18059)
* feat(ext/ffi): Make External pointers keep reference to V8 buffer (#17955)
* feat(ops): reland fast zero copy string arguments (#17996)
* feat(ops): relational ops (#18023)
* fix(check): include dts files in tsc roots (#18026)
* fix(cli): add space after period in --v8-flags (#18063)
* fix(cli,ext/web): Upgrading uuid from =1.1.2 to 1.3.0 (#17963)
* fix(core): introduce SafeRegExp to primordials (#17592)
* fix(ext/crypto): correctly limit ECDSA and hash algorithms (#18030)
* fix(ext/ffi): Remove deno_core::OpState qualifiers, fix ops returning
pointer defaults (#17959)
* fix(ext/node): remove unused _hex module (#18045)
* fix(ext/node): util.types.isSharedArrayBuffer (#17836)
* fix(ext/webstorage): check size of inputs before insert (#18087)
* fix(lockfile): don't touch lockfile is npm specifiers are identical (#17973)
* fix(npm): improve peer dependency resolution with circular dependencies
* fix(prompt): better output with control chars (#18108)
* fix(rumtime): Add Deno. prefix for registered symbols (#18086)
* fix(runtime/windows): ensure Deno.stdin.setRaw(false) properly
disables raw mode (#17983)
* fix: Split extension registration and snapshotting (#18098)
* fix: attempt to only allow one deno process to update the node_modules
folder at a time (#18058)
* fix: lazily surface errors in package.json deps parsing (#17974)
* perf(core): over-allocate in ModuleMap when running from snapshot (#18083)
* perf(ext/node): improve createHash performance (#18033)
* perf: disable snapshot compression (#18061)
* perf: don't add unload event listener (#18082)
* perf: move runtime bootstrap code to snapshot time (#18062)
* perf: move setting up Deno namespace to snapshot time (#18067)
* wpt: unlock nightly with --no-ignore (#17998)

Request History
Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

avindra created request

- update to 1.31.3:
* fix(check): regression where config "types" entries caused type checking
errors (#18124)
* fix(core): Upgrades bytes crate from =1.2.1 to ^1.4.0 (#18123)
* fix(core): SafePromiseAll to be unaffected by Array#@@iterator (#17542)
* fix(core/internal): fix typo in primordial type definitions (#18125)
* fix(ext/fs): retry if file already exists in makeTempFile (#17787)
* fix(ext/http): abort request signal when response errors (#17822)
* fix(ext/node): add crypto.createCipheriv (#18091)
* fix(ext/node): implement "ascii" encoding for node:fs writeFile() (#18097)
* fix(ext/web): Stop using globalThis.ReadableStream in Blob (#18187)
* fix(info/doc): add missing --no-lock and --lock flags (#18166)
* fix(lsp): avoid calling client while holding lock (#18197)
* fix(npm): "not implemented scheme" message should properly show the scheme
* fix(npm): show a progress bar when initializing the node_modules folder
* fix(repl): do not panic deleting Deno or deleting all its properties
* fix: ensure no node_modules directory is created when a package.json exists
and no npm dependencies are used (#18134)
* perf: do not depend on iana-time-zone (#18088)
- update to 1.31.2:
* Revert "perf: disable snapshot compression (#18061)" (#18074)
* deps: bump regexp to ^1.7.0 (#17966)
* deps: bump once_cell to ^1.17.1 (#18075)
* feat(core): prevent isolate drop for CLI main worker (#18059)
* feat(ext/ffi): Make External pointers keep reference to V8 buffer (#17955)
* feat(ops): reland fast zero copy string arguments (#17996)
* feat(ops): relational ops (#18023)
* fix(check): include dts files in tsc roots (#18026)
* fix(cli): add space after period in --v8-flags (#18063)
* fix(cli,ext/web): Upgrading uuid from =1.1.2 to 1.3.0 (#17963)
* fix(core): introduce SafeRegExp to primordials (#17592)
* fix(ext/crypto): correctly limit ECDSA and hash algorithms (#18030)
* fix(ext/ffi): Remove deno_core::OpState qualifiers, fix ops returning
pointer defaults (#17959)
* fix(ext/node): remove unused _hex module (#18045)
* fix(ext/node): util.types.isSharedArrayBuffer (#17836)
* fix(ext/webstorage): check size of inputs before insert (#18087)
* fix(lockfile): don't touch lockfile is npm specifiers are identical (#17973)
* fix(npm): improve peer dependency resolution with circular dependencies
* fix(prompt): better output with control chars (#18108)
* fix(rumtime): Add Deno. prefix for registered symbols (#18086)
* fix(runtime/windows): ensure Deno.stdin.setRaw(false) properly
disables raw mode (#17983)
* fix: Split extension registration and snapshotting (#18098)
* fix: attempt to only allow one deno process to update the node_modules
folder at a time (#18058)
* fix: lazily surface errors in package.json deps parsing (#17974)
* perf(core): over-allocate in ModuleMap when running from snapshot (#18083)
* perf(ext/node): improve createHash performance (#18033)
* perf: disable snapshot compression (#18061)
* perf: don't add unload event listener (#18082)
* perf: move runtime bootstrap code to snapshot time (#18062)
* perf: move setting up Deno namespace to snapshot time (#18067)
* wpt: unlock nightly with --no-ignore (#17998)

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Check script succeeded

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The legal review is accepted preliminary. The package may require actions later on.

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:26 got accepted.

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dimstar_suse approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:26 got accepted.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:26 got accepted.

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