
Request 1073519 superseded

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

This breaks image builds in really fun ways:


[   81s] [ INFO    ]: 09:07:27 | --> Syncing root filesystem data
[   81s] [ DEBUG   ]: 09:07:27 | EXEC: [rsync --archive --hard-links --xattrs --acls --one-file-system --inplace --exclude /image --exclude /.profile --exclude /.kconfig --exclude /run/* --exclude /tmp/* --exclude /.buildenv --exclude /var/cache/kiwi --exclude /boot/efi/* --exclude /boot/efi/.* /usr/src/packages/KIWI-vmx/build/image-root/ /var/tmp/kiwi_volumes.9pt1y7yj/@/.snapshots/1/snapshot]
[   84s] [ DEBUG   ]: 09:07:30 | EXEC: [btrfs qgroup create 1/0 /var/tmp/kiwi_volumes.9pt1y7yj]
[   84s] [ DEBUG   ]: 09:07:30 | EXEC: [chroot /var/tmp/kiwi_volumes.9pt1y7yj/@/.snapshots/1/snapshot snapper --no-dbus set-config QGROUP=1/0]
[   84s] [ DEBUG   ]: 09:07:30 | EXEC: Failed with stderr: IO error (.snapshots is not a btrfs subvolume).
[   84s] , stdout: (no output on stdout)
[   84s] [ ERROR   ]: 09:07:30 | KiwiCommandError: chroot: stderr: IO error (.snapshots is not a btrfs subvolume).
[   84s] , stdout: (no output on stdout)
[   84s] [ INFO    ]: 09:07:30 | Cleaning up FileSystemFat16 instance
[   84s] [ INFO    ]: 09:07:30 | umount FileSystemFat16 instance

Taking snapper out of this staging makes things work again

Arvin Schnell's avatar
author source maintainer

Is SELinux enabled in those builds? How does SELinux work with chroot? I do not see that any SELinux policy gets installed. Maybe in /var/lib/selinux/targeted/active/modules/100/snapper/cil /usr/bin/snapper must also be added next to /usr/sbin/snapperd.

But since SELinux is new to me I cannot really help here.

Johannes Segitz's avatar

I doubt that SELinux is enabled there. The codepaths I checked check for a loaded policy first and do nothing if there's none. I'll try to see what's happening here

Johannes Segitz's avatar

It's not the SELinux support. I thought that it misses some SELinux checks, but with my patches it still fails. Then I branched snapper revision 478 into home:jsegitz:branches:filesystems:snapper and it still fails to build the images: https://build.opensuse.org/package/live_build_log/home:jsegitz:branches:filesystems:snapper/kiwi-templates-Minimal:MS-HyperV/images/x86_64

Arvin Schnell's avatar
author source maintainer

I get different results: With --enable-selinux in the spec file it fails, without it works.

Arvin Schnell's avatar
author source maintainer

AFAIS enabling SELinux in snapper adds as a side effect a few checks, e.g. if .snapshots is a subvolume. The logs show that kiwi creates subvolumes and directories, so maybe the setup is simply wrong and snapper is right in complaining.

I will try to avoid the side effects and see what happens then.

Fabian Vogt's avatar

I see that kiwi does chroot snapper set-config ... but at that point .snapshots is not mounted inside that chroot. Might be enough to fix that in kiwi, if it's not possible to run snapper set-config without that.

Fabian Vogt's avatar

Looks like that worked, kiwi was doing weird stuff.

I'll open a PR upstream.

Fabian Vogt's avatar

Would still be nice to have snapper set-config not care about /.snapshots being mounted though, like before

Arvin Schnell's avatar
author source maintainer

I have a patch for that but I have to test it a bit more (likely on Monday).

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar


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Arvin Schnell's avatar

aschnell superseded request

superseded by 1074617

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