Request 1073582 accepted
- Conflict with gstreamer-plugins-ugly < 1.22.0 to ensure we don't
have conflicts with gstreamer-plugins-ugly 1.20.1 since
libgstxingmux.so was moved from -ugly to -good (boo#1209541)
- Created by alarrosa
- In state accepted
- 7 package maintainers
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Request History
alarrosa created request
- Conflict with gstreamer-plugins-ugly < 1.22.0 to ensure we don't
have conflicts with gstreamer-plugins-ugly 1.20.1 since
libgstxingmux.so was moved from -ugly to -good (boo#1209541)
gnome-review-bot accepted review
Check script succeeded
gnome-review-bot approved review
Check script succeeded
alarrosa accepted request