Request 1073624 accepted
- File "fixes_for_kernel_6.3.patch" is updated for more API changes
File "fix_7.0.6_locking_problems.patch" is added. Fixes boo#1209529.
Larry Len Rainey and I have worked on this bug for some time. It only
happened on systems with large numbers of processors and many virtual
machines. We suspected a locking problem, but the thought of auditing
the entire code was daunting until it was discovered that there was no
problem if the host ran VB 6.1.40. It did not matter what version the
guests were running. That essentially eliminated every code part except
for vboxdrv.ko. That made the audit tractable. There were two files and
a total of 8 places where the locking was suspect. When those were
changed, the lockups while using 7.0.6 host code were no longer observed.
The lockups were infrequent, thus it is impossible to say that we have
fixed everything, but the frequency is clearly diminished.
spec-cleaner used to remove extra blank line is spec file.
Request History
lwfinger created request
- File "fixes_for_kernel_6.3.patch" is updated for more API changes
File "fix_7.0.6_locking_problems.patch" is added. Fixes boo#1209529.
Larry Len Rainey and I have worked on this bug for some time. It only
happened on systems with large numbers of processors and many virtual
machines. We suspected a locking problem, but the thought of auditing
the entire code was daunting until it was discovered that there was no
problem if the host ran VB 6.1.40. It did not matter what version the
guests were running. That essentially eliminated every code part except
for vboxdrv.ko. That made the audit tractable. There were two files and
a total of 8 places where the locking was suspect. When those were
changed, the lockups while using 7.0.6 host code were no longer observed.
The lockups were infrequent, thus it is impossible to say that we have
fixed everything, but the frequency is clearly diminished.
spec-cleaner used to remove extra blank line is spec file.
lwfinger accepted request
Fix for boo#1209529.