Request 1074469 accepted
- update to 1.13.0:
* Floating point prints full precision by default to aid in debugging
* GTEST_FAIL_AT now terminates the test (like ASSERT_*), rather than failing and continuing (like EXPECT_*)
* Added testing::SrcDir(), which returns the configured directory for test data files
- CMake and GCC minimum according to https://github.com/google/oss-policies-info/blob/main/foundational-cxx-support-matrix.md
Request History
amanzini created request
- update to 1.13.0:
* Floating point prints full precision by default to aid in debugging
* GTEST_FAIL_AT now terminates the test (like ASSERT_*), rather than failing and continuing (like EXPECT_*)
* Added testing::SrcDir(), which returns the configured directory for test data files
- CMake and GCC minimum according to https://github.com/google/oss-policies-info/blob/main/foundational-cxx-support-matrix.md
hillwood accepted request