
Request 1089834 superseded

* New upstream release 6.3.2
What's new in Tornado 6.3.2
Security improvements
- Fixed an open redirect vulnerability in StaticFileHandler under certain
What's new in Tornado 6.3.1
- `.RequestHandler.set_cookie` once again accepts capitalized keyword arguments
for backwards compatibility. This is deprecated and in Tornado 7.0 only lowercase
arguments will be accepted.
What's new in Tornado 6.3.0
- The new `.Application` setting ``xsrf_cookie_name`` can now be used to
take advantage of the ``__Host`` cookie prefix for improved security.
To use it, add ``{"xsrf_cookie_name": "__Host-xsrf", "xsrf_cookie_kwargs":
{"secure": True}}`` to your `.Application` settings. Note that this feature
currently only works when HTTPS is used.
- `.WSGIContainer` now supports running the application in a ``ThreadPoolExecutor`` so
the event loop is no longer blocked.
- `.AsyncTestCase` and `.AsyncHTTPTestCase`, which were deprecated in Tornado 6.2,
are no longer deprecated.
- WebSockets are now much faster at receiving large messages split into many
General changes
- Python 3.7 is no longer supported; the minimum supported Python version is 3.8.
Python 3.12 is now supported.
- To avoid spurious deprecation warnings, users of Python 3.10 should upgrade
to at least version 3.10.9, and users of Python 3.11 should upgrade to at least
version 3.11.1.
- Tornado submodules are now imported automatically on demand. This means it is
now possible to use a single ``import tornado`` statement and refer to objects
in submodules such as `tornado.web.RequestHandler`.
Deprecation notices
- In Tornado 7.0, `tornado.testing.ExpectLog` will match ``WARNING``
and above regardless of the current logging configuration, unless the
``level`` argument is used.
- `.RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie` is now a deprecated alias for
`.RequestHandler.get_signed_cookie`. `.RequestHandler.set_secure_cookie`
is now a deprecated alias for `.RequestHandler.set_signed_cookie`.
- `.RequestHandler.clear_all_cookies` is deprecated. No direct replacement
is provided; `.RequestHandler.clear_cookie` should be used on individual
- Calling the `.IOLoop` constructor without a ``make_current`` argument, which was
deprecated in Tornado 6.2, is no longer deprecated.
- `.AsyncTestCase` and `.AsyncHTTPTestCase`, which were deprecated in Tornado 6.2,
are no longer deprecated.
- `.AsyncTestCase.get_new_ioloop` is deprecated.
- New method `.GoogleOAuth2Mixin.get_google_oauth_settings` can now be overridden
to get credentials from a source other than the `.Application` settings.
- `contextvars` now work properly when a ``@gen.coroutine`` calls a native coroutine.
- `~.OptionParser.parse_config_file` now recognizes single comma-separated strings (in addition to
lists of strings) for options with ``multiple=True``.
- New `.Application` setting ``xsrf_cookie_name`` can be used to change the
name of the XSRF cookie. This is most useful to take advantage of the
``__Host-`` cookie prefix.
- `.RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie` and `.RequestHandler.set_secure_cookie`
(and related methods and attributes) have been renamed to
`~.RequestHandler.get_signed_cookie` and `~.RequestHandler.set_signed_cookie`.
This makes it more explicit what kind of security is provided, and avoids
confusion with the ``Secure`` cookie attribute and ``__Secure-`` cookie prefix.
The old names remain supported as deprecated aliases.
- `.RequestHandler.clear_cookie` now accepts all keyword arguments accepted by
`~.RequestHandler.set_cookie`. In some cases clearing a cookie requires certain
arguments to be passed the same way in which it was set.
- `.RequestHandler.clear_all_cookies` now accepts additional keyword arguments
for the same reason as ``clear_cookie``. However, since the requirements
for additional arguments mean that it cannot reliably clear all cookies,
this method is now deprecated.
- It is now much faster (no longer quadratic) to receive large messages that
have been split into many fragments.
- `.websocket_connect` now accepts a ``resolver`` parameter.
- `.WSGIContainer` now accepts an ``executor`` parameter which can be used
to run the WSGI application on a thread pool.
What's new in Tornado 6.2.0
Deprecation notice
- Python 3.10 has begun the process of significant changes to the APIs for
managing the event loop. Calls to methods such as `asyncio.get_event_loop` may
now raise `DeprecationWarning` if no event loop is running. This has
significant impact on the patterns for initializing applications, and in
particular invalidates patterns that have long been the norm in Tornado's
documentation and actual usage. In the future (with some as-yet-unspecified
future version of Python), the old APIs will be removed. The new recommended
pattern is to start the event loop with `asyncio.run`. More detailed migration
guides will be coming in the future.
- The `.IOLoop` constructor is deprecated unless the ``make_current=False``
argument is used. Use `.IOLoop.current` when the loop is already running
- `.AsyncTestCase` (and `.AsyncHTTPTestCase`) are deprecated. Use
`unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase` instead.
- Multi-process `.TCPServer.bind`/`.TCPServer.start` is deprecated. See
`.TCPServer` docs for supported alternatives.
- `.AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy` is deprecated. This class controls the creation of
the "current" event loop so it will be removed when that concept is no longer
- `.IOLoop.make_current` and `.IOLoop.clear_current` are deprecated. In the
future the concept of a "current" event loop as distinct from one that is
currently running will be removed.
- ``TwistedResolver`` and ``CaresResolver`` are deprecated and will be
removed in Tornado 7.0.
General changes
- The minimum supported Python version is now 3.7.
- Wheels are now published with the Python stable ABI (``abi3``) for
compatibility across versions of Python.
- SSL certificate verfication and hostname checks are now enabled by default in
more places (primarily in client-side usage of `.SSLIOStream`).
- Various improvements to type hints throughout the package.
- CI has moved from Travis and Appveyor to Github Actions.
- Fixed a bug in which ``WaitIterator.current_index`` could be incorrect.
- ``tornado.gen.TimeoutError``` is now an alias for `asyncio.TimeoutError`.
- ``max_body_size`` may now be set to zero to disallow a non-empty body.
- ``Content-Encoding: gzip`` is now recognized case-insensitively.
- ``curl_httpclient`` now supports non-ASCII (ISO-8859-1) header values, same as
- `.PeriodicCallback` now understands coroutines and will not start multiple
copies if a previous invocation runs too long.
- `.PeriodicCallback` now accepts `datetime.timedelta` objects in addition to
numbers of milliseconds.
- Avoid logging "Event loop is closed" during shutdown-related race conditions.
- Tornado no longer calls `logging.basicConfig` when starting an IOLoop; this
has been unnecessary since Python 3.2 added a logger of last resort.
- The `.IOLoop` constructor now accepts an ``asyncio_loop`` keyword argument to
initialize with a specfied asyncio event loop.
- It is now possible to construct an `.IOLoop` on one thread (with
``make_current=False``) and start it on a different thread.
- `.SSLIOStream` now supports reading more than 2GB at a time.
- ``IOStream.write`` now supports typed `memoryview` objects.
- `.load_gettext_translations` no longer logs errors when language directories
exist but do not contain the expected file.
- `.is_valid_ip` no longer raises exceptions when the input is too long.
- The default resolver now uses the same methods (and thread pool) as `asyncio`.
- `.TCPServer.listen` now supports more arguments to pass through to
- `.bind_unused_port` now takes an optional ``address`` argument.
- Wrapped test methods now include the ``__wrapped__`` attribute.
- When using a custom `.StaticFileHandler` subclass, the ``reset()`` method is
now called on this subclass instead of the base class.
- Improved handling of the ``Accept-Language`` header.
- `.Application.listen` now supports more arguments to pass through to
- `.WebSocketClientConnection.write_message` now accepts `dict` arguments for
consistency with `.WebSocketHandler.write_message`.
- `.WebSocketClientConnection.write_message` now raises an exception as
documented if the connection is already closed.
* Gave rpmlint a hug

Request History
Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl created request

* New upstream release 6.3.2
What's new in Tornado 6.3.2
Security improvements
- Fixed an open redirect vulnerability in StaticFileHandler under certain
What's new in Tornado 6.3.1
- `.RequestHandler.set_cookie` once again accepts capitalized keyword arguments
for backwards compatibility. This is deprecated and in Tornado 7.0 only lowercase
arguments will be accepted.
What's new in Tornado 6.3.0
- The new `.Application` setting ``xsrf_cookie_name`` can now be used to
take advantage of the ``__Host`` cookie prefix for improved security.
To use it, add ``{"xsrf_cookie_name": "__Host-xsrf", "xsrf_cookie_kwargs":
{"secure": True}}`` to your `.Application` settings. Note that this feature
currently only works when HTTPS is used.
- `.WSGIContainer` now supports running the application in a ``ThreadPoolExecutor`` so
the event loop is no longer blocked.
- `.AsyncTestCase` and `.AsyncHTTPTestCase`, which were deprecated in Tornado 6.2,
are no longer deprecated.
- WebSockets are now much faster at receiving large messages split into many
General changes
- Python 3.7 is no longer supported; the minimum supported Python version is 3.8.
Python 3.12 is now supported.
- To avoid spurious deprecation warnings, users of Python 3.10 should upgrade
to at least version 3.10.9, and users of Python 3.11 should upgrade to at least
version 3.11.1.
- Tornado submodules are now imported automatically on demand. This means it is
now possible to use a single ``import tornado`` statement and refer to objects
in submodules such as `tornado.web.RequestHandler`.
Deprecation notices
- In Tornado 7.0, `tornado.testing.ExpectLog` will match ``WARNING``
and above regardless of the current logging configuration, unless the
``level`` argument is used.
- `.RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie` is now a deprecated alias for
`.RequestHandler.get_signed_cookie`. `.RequestHandler.set_secure_cookie`
is now a deprecated alias for `.RequestHandler.set_signed_cookie`.
- `.RequestHandler.clear_all_cookies` is deprecated. No direct replacement
is provided; `.RequestHandler.clear_cookie` should be used on individual
- Calling the `.IOLoop` constructor without a ``make_current`` argument, which was
deprecated in Tornado 6.2, is no longer deprecated.
- `.AsyncTestCase` and `.AsyncHTTPTestCase`, which were deprecated in Tornado 6.2,
are no longer deprecated.
- `.AsyncTestCase.get_new_ioloop` is deprecated.
- New method `.GoogleOAuth2Mixin.get_google_oauth_settings` can now be overridden
to get credentials from a source other than the `.Application` settings.
- `contextvars` now work properly when a ``@gen.coroutine`` calls a native coroutine.
- `~.OptionParser.parse_config_file` now recognizes single comma-separated strings (in addition to
lists of strings) for options with ``multiple=True``.
- New `.Application` setting ``xsrf_cookie_name`` can be used to change the
name of the XSRF cookie. This is most useful to take advantage of the
``__Host-`` cookie prefix.
- `.RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie` and `.RequestHandler.set_secure_cookie`
(and related methods and attributes) have been renamed to
`~.RequestHandler.get_signed_cookie` and `~.RequestHandler.set_signed_cookie`.
This makes it more explicit what kind of security is provided, and avoids
confusion with the ``Secure`` cookie attribute and ``__Secure-`` cookie prefix.
The old names remain supported as deprecated aliases.
- `.RequestHandler.clear_cookie` now accepts all keyword arguments accepted by
`~.RequestHandler.set_cookie`. In some cases clearing a cookie requires certain
arguments to be passed the same way in which it was set.
- `.RequestHandler.clear_all_cookies` now accepts additional keyword arguments
for the same reason as ``clear_cookie``. However, since the requirements
for additional arguments mean that it cannot reliably clear all cookies,
this method is now deprecated.
- It is now much faster (no longer quadratic) to receive large messages that
have been split into many fragments.
- `.websocket_connect` now accepts a ``resolver`` parameter.
- `.WSGIContainer` now accepts an ``executor`` parameter which can be used
to run the WSGI application on a thread pool.
What's new in Tornado 6.2.0
Deprecation notice
- Python 3.10 has begun the process of significant changes to the APIs for
managing the event loop. Calls to methods such as `asyncio.get_event_loop` may
now raise `DeprecationWarning` if no event loop is running. This has
significant impact on the patterns for initializing applications, and in
particular invalidates patterns that have long been the norm in Tornado's
documentation and actual usage. In the future (with some as-yet-unspecified
future version of Python), the old APIs will be removed. The new recommended
pattern is to start the event loop with `asyncio.run`. More detailed migration
guides will be coming in the future.
- The `.IOLoop` constructor is deprecated unless the ``make_current=False``
argument is used. Use `.IOLoop.current` when the loop is already running
- `.AsyncTestCase` (and `.AsyncHTTPTestCase`) are deprecated. Use
`unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase` instead.
- Multi-process `.TCPServer.bind`/`.TCPServer.start` is deprecated. See
`.TCPServer` docs for supported alternatives.
- `.AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy` is deprecated. This class controls the creation of
the "current" event loop so it will be removed when that concept is no longer
- `.IOLoop.make_current` and `.IOLoop.clear_current` are deprecated. In the
future the concept of a "current" event loop as distinct from one that is
currently running will be removed.
- ``TwistedResolver`` and ``CaresResolver`` are deprecated and will be
removed in Tornado 7.0.
General changes
- The minimum supported Python version is now 3.7.
- Wheels are now published with the Python stable ABI (``abi3``) for
compatibility across versions of Python.
- SSL certificate verfication and hostname checks are now enabled by default in
more places (primarily in client-side usage of `.SSLIOStream`).
- Various improvements to type hints throughout the package.
- CI has moved from Travis and Appveyor to Github Actions.
- Fixed a bug in which ``WaitIterator.current_index`` could be incorrect.
- ``tornado.gen.TimeoutError``` is now an alias for `asyncio.TimeoutError`.
- ``max_body_size`` may now be set to zero to disallow a non-empty body.
- ``Content-Encoding: gzip`` is now recognized case-insensitively.
- ``curl_httpclient`` now supports non-ASCII (ISO-8859-1) header values, same as
- `.PeriodicCallback` now understands coroutines and will not start multiple
copies if a previous invocation runs too long.
- `.PeriodicCallback` now accepts `datetime.timedelta` objects in addition to
numbers of milliseconds.
- Avoid logging "Event loop is closed" during shutdown-related race conditions.
- Tornado no longer calls `logging.basicConfig` when starting an IOLoop; this
has been unnecessary since Python 3.2 added a logger of last resort.
- The `.IOLoop` constructor now accepts an ``asyncio_loop`` keyword argument to
initialize with a specfied asyncio event loop.
- It is now possible to construct an `.IOLoop` on one thread (with
``make_current=False``) and start it on a different thread.
- `.SSLIOStream` now supports reading more than 2GB at a time.
- ``IOStream.write`` now supports typed `memoryview` objects.
- `.load_gettext_translations` no longer logs errors when language directories
exist but do not contain the expected file.
- `.is_valid_ip` no longer raises exceptions when the input is too long.
- The default resolver now uses the same methods (and thread pool) as `asyncio`.
- `.TCPServer.listen` now supports more arguments to pass through to
- `.bind_unused_port` now takes an optional ``address`` argument.
- Wrapped test methods now include the ``__wrapped__`` attribute.
- When using a custom `.StaticFileHandler` subclass, the ``reset()`` method is
now called on this subclass instead of the base class.
- Improved handling of the ``Accept-Language`` header.
- `.Application.listen` now supports more arguments to pass through to
- `.WebSocketClientConnection.write_message` now accepts `dict` arguments for
consistency with `.WebSocketHandler.write_message`.
- `.WebSocketClientConnection.write_message` now raises an exception as
documented if the connection is already closed.
* Gave rpmlint a hug

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined review

A patch (ignore-py310-deprecation-warnings.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined request

A patch (ignore-py310-deprecation-warnings.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl superseded request

superseded by 1090058

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