
Request 1091723 accepted

- Update to 5.14.1
* Fixed compatibility issue with Pandas 2.0 [#4103]
- Release 5.14.0
* Updated Plotly.js from version 2.18.2 to version 2.20.0. See
the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. Notable changes
* Add title.automargin to enable automatic top and bottom
margining for both container and paper referenced titles
[#6428], with thanks to Gamma Technologies for sponsoring the
related development.
* Add label attribute to shapes [#6454], with thanks to the
Volkswagen Center of Excellence for Battery Systems for
sponsoring development!
* Add labelalias to various axes namely cartesian, gl3d, polar,
smith, ternary, carpet, indicator and colorbar [#6481], this
feature was anonymously sponsored: thank you to our sponsor!
* Key errors no longer precalculated when performing updates on
plots [#4101]
* Fixed an issue with characters displaying incorrectly, by
adding charset="utf-8" to scripts in to_html [#4114]
* Added packaging to install requirements, fixing a No module
named 'packaging error on Python 3.6 [#4113]
* Added option to allow passing a column name as a str in
hover_data and custom_data in plotly.express [4083]

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to 5.14.1
* Fixed compatibility issue with Pandas 2.0 [#4103]
- Release 5.14.0
* Updated Plotly.js from version 2.18.2 to version 2.20.0. See
the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. Notable changes
* Add title.automargin to enable automatic top and bottom
margining for both container and paper referenced titles
[#6428], with thanks to Gamma Technologies for sponsoring the
related development.
* Add label attribute to shapes [#6454], with thanks to the
Volkswagen Center of Excellence for Battery Systems for
sponsoring development!
* Add labelalias to various axes namely cartesian, gl3d, polar,
smith, ternary, carpet, indicator and colorbar [#6481], this
feature was anonymously sponsored: thank you to our sponsor!
* Key errors no longer precalculated when performing updates on
plots [#4101]
* Fixed an issue with characters displaying incorrectly, by
adding charset="utf-8" to scripts in to_html [#4114]
* Added packaging to install requirements, fixing a No module
named 'packaging error on Python 3.6 [#4113]
* Added option to allow passing a column name as a str in
hover_data and custom_data in plotly.express [4083]

Steve Kowalik's avatar

StevenK accepted request

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