
Request 1095441 accepted

- Update to version 0.4.46:
+ Operations:
- local-threshold: new operation that does neighborhood aware
and optionallyantialiased thresholding of an image.
- chamfer: new operation in workshop that useis
distance-transform and emboss or LinuxBeaver’s research
into modeling different bevels with combinations of blurs.
- ff-load,ff-save: clean up of deprecated API, builds with
ffmpeg-6.0 but ff-save hasn’t been made to work with this
release of ffmpeg yet.
+ Updated vendored libraries:
- ctx and libnsgif have been updated from upstream.
+ Build:
- Depend on meson 0.55.0
- various cleanups including re-enabling of deprecation warnings.
- make ctx be an internal library.

Request History
Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari's avatar

mantarimay created request

- Update to version 0.4.46:
+ Operations:
- local-threshold: new operation that does neighborhood aware
and optionallyantialiased thresholding of an image.
- chamfer: new operation in workshop that useis
distance-transform and emboss or LinuxBeaver’s research
into modeling different bevels with combinations of blurs.
- ff-load,ff-save: clean up of deprecated API, builds with
ffmpeg-6.0 but ff-save hasn’t been made to work with this
release of ffmpeg yet.
+ Updated vendored libraries:
- ctx and libnsgif have been updated from upstream.
+ Build:
- Depend on meson 0.55.0
- various cleanups including re-enabling of deprecation warnings.
- make ctx be an internal library.

Bjørn Lie's avatar

iznogood accepted request

Thanks - Xin

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