Request 1095797 revoked
As discussed with dimstar: This is a test to check if a private /tmp directory
for rpm would work. This is not how this will look when I submit this, this is
just for openQA testing to see what fails and if this is feasible at all
- Created by jsegitz
- In state revoked
- Open review for licensedigger
- Open review for factory-staging
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Request History
jsegitz created request
As discussed with dimstar: This is a test to check if a private /tmp directory
for rpm would work. This is not how this will look when I submit this, this is
just for openQA testing to see what fails and if this is feasible at all
factory-auto declined review
Expected submission from devel package Base:System/rpm
factory-auto declined request
Expected submission from devel package Base:System/rpm
jsegitz revoked request