
Request 1101960 superseded

Suggests openSUSE-repos-Leap on Leap

* Consistencty with TW. This was mostly done to ensure
that Tumbleweed does not end up with openSUSE-repos-MicroOS

Lubos Kocman's avatar
reviewer target maintainer

Factory sr#1101939

Request History
Lubos Kocman's avatar

lkocman created request

Suggests openSUSE-repos-Leap on Leap

* Consistencty with TW. This was mostly done to ensure
that Tumbleweed does not end up with openSUSE-repos-MicroOS

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Skipping all checks for meta packages

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review


Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot added as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Leap:15.6:Staging:adi:3"

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

Picked "openSUSE:Leap:15.6:Staging:adi:3"

Lubos Kocman's avatar

lkocman superseded request

Suggests openSUSE-repos-Leap on Leap

* Consistencty with TW.
* This was mostly done to ensure that Tumbleweed does not end up
with openSUSE-repos-MicroOS

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