Request History
qzhao created request
factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer
Please review sources
factory-auto accepted review
skipping the staging process since only .changes modifications
factory-auto accepted review
Check script succeeded
licensedigger accepted review
darix declined request
mrueckert wrote (1104702),only a changes file change but not code change?
qzhao reopened request
This is want to sync SLE's changelog section to Factory. Otherwise, the maintenance team could not allow updating in the next release for missing changelog information. Similar cases have always been accepted in the past years.
darix accepted review
Accepted review for by_group opensuse-review-team request 1104702 from user qzhao
darix approved review
Accepted review for by_group opensuse-review-team request 1104702 from user qzhao
anag+factory accepted request
Accept to openSUSE:Factory
well in this case put this information into the submitrequest message?
Okay, will remember the next time when I change logs.
Thank you for the review.