Request 1105212 accepted
Add WasmEdge
- Created by avicenzi
- In state accepted
- Package maintainers: avicenzi and dirkmueller
- Supersedes 1105095
So, do we actually need the main package? Couldn't the executable be in the devel subpackage instead? Or does it have some usage aside from development?
Provides: %{name} = %{version}
should not be required since it should be set by default.
The %license should be in the library, not the binary. I'm assuming that the wasmedge depends on the library?
The main package is the runtime, "wasmedge run myapp.wasn", there's no need for devel/lib there.
Devel is needed if I want to use it to build something else, for example, to enable Wasm support in crun/podman.
Maybe %license should be in both?
This follows what other packages do, such as zlib and xz, which are cli, lib and C headers.
I looked up a few other packages, and the license is usually in the main package, not in lib/devel ones.
I would leave for Factory to run checks and complain about it, as the packaging guidelines don't tell me much about where it should be.