
Request 1106074 accepted

- Update to 7.0.2
* Update to JupyterLab 4.0.4 packages #6998 (@jtpio)
* Improve about dialog #6996 (@yjrab)
* Added documentation link in Help menu #6993 (@Mikil03)
- Release 7.0.1
* Update accessibly compliance section in the docs #6982
* Update the browser tab favicon on kernel busy #6980 (@jtpio)
- Release 7.0.0
## New features
* https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebook_7_features.h
* Debugger
* Real Time collaboration
* Table of Contents
* Theming and Dark Mode
* Internationalization
* Accessibility Improvements
* Support for many JupyterLab extensions
* A document-centric user experience
* Compact View on Mobile Devices
## Migrating to Notebook 7
* https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/migrate_to_notebook7.html
* If you need to maintain compatibility with the Classic Notebook
for extensions or other customizations that are critical to
your workflows, you can switch to nbclassic, which will provide
compatibility with the old notebook interface and support
during an intermediate transition period to Notebook 7
- Add notebook-issue7014-fixtests.patch gh#jupyter/notebook#7014

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to 7.0.2
* Update to JupyterLab 4.0.4 packages #6998 (@jtpio)
* Improve about dialog #6996 (@yjrab)
* Added documentation link in Help menu #6993 (@Mikil03)
- Release 7.0.1
* Update accessibly compliance section in the docs #6982
* Update the browser tab favicon on kernel busy #6980 (@jtpio)
- Release 7.0.0
## New features
* https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebook_7_features.h
* Debugger
* Real Time collaboration
* Table of Contents
* Theming and Dark Mode
* Internationalization
* Accessibility Improvements
* Support for many JupyterLab extensions
* A document-centric user experience
* Compact View on Mobile Devices
## Migrating to Notebook 7
* https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/migrate_to_notebook7.html
* If you need to maintain compatibility with the Classic Notebook
for extensions or other customizations that are critical to
your workflows, you can switch to nbclassic, which will provide
compatibility with the old notebook interface and support
during an intermediate transition period to Notebook 7
- Add notebook-issue7014-fixtests.patch gh#jupyter/notebook#7014

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator accepted request

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