
Request 1106949 accepted

- Update to version 0.1.0
* See https://github.com/vsg-dev/vsgPoints/releases/tag/v0.1.0
for release info


Ralf Habacker's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

... What is the problem with this package that it is not reviewed ?

I checked the submitted package myself and corrected a few wording errors.

Ralf Habacker's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

Ping ?

Ralf Habacker's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

What is the problem with this package that it is not reviewed ?

Request History
Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker created request

- Update to version 0.1.0
* See https://github.com/vsg-dev/vsgPoints/releases/tag/v0.1.0
for release info

Ferdinand Thiessen's avatar

susnux accepted request

Looks good to me

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