
Request 1108241 revoked

- Update to release 1.0.7
* Add LoadNOr, GatherIndexN, ScatterIndexN
* Add additional float<->int conversions
* Codegen improvements for 8-bit shift, PPC Compress/Expand
* Fixes for MSVC, PPC, RVV, WASM, GCC 13, GCC 8.2, i686, f16 type
, QEMU 7.2
* Support CMake args in Debian packaging

Request History
Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari's avatar

mantarimay created request

- Update to release 1.0.7
* Add LoadNOr, GatherIndexN, ScatterIndexN
* Add additional float<->int conversions
* Codegen improvements for 8-bit shift, PPC Compress/Expand
* Fixes for MSVC, PPC, RVV, WASM, GCC 13, GCC 8.2, i686, f16 type
, QEMU 7.2
* Support CMake args in Debian packaging

Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari's avatar

mantarimay revoked request

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