
Request 1108722 accepted

- update to version 2.2.09
* Update to documentation received from Rich, N1EE
* add THOR-56 to list of supported modes
* Add THOR-11, THOR-32 and THOR-44 to list of supported modes
* fix for compiler warning
* add xmlrpc server to support external creation and execution
of flamp script files
. "flamp.create_script", "i:s", "create script 'pathname', 'script_text'"
. "flamp.execute_script", "n:s", "execute script 'pathname'"
* fltk 1.4.x compatability modifications
* Fix Fltk transpareny bug for flrig icon.

Request History
Walter Fey's avatar

dl8fcl created request

- update to version 2.2.09
* Update to documentation received from Rich, N1EE
* add THOR-56 to list of supported modes
* Add THOR-11, THOR-32 and THOR-44 to list of supported modes
* fix for compiler warning
* add xmlrpc server to support external creation and execution
of flamp script files
. "flamp.create_script", "i:s", "create script 'pathname', 'script_text'"
. "flamp.execute_script", "n:s", "execute script 'pathname'"
* fltk 1.4.x compatability modifications
* Fix Fltk transpareny bug for flrig icon.

Walter Fey's avatar

dl8fcl accepted request

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