
Request 1109697 revoked

Correct the type of allocated EFI pages for ARM64 kernel from EFI_LOADER_DATA to EFI_LOADER_CODE since some Qualcomm CPUs do not allow kernel code execution on EFI_LOADER_DATA pages.


Dirk Mueller's avatar

*.changes entry missing?

Chester Lin's avatar
author source maintainer

Yes, the change is missing. I have re-summitted PR here:



Request History
Chester Lin's avatar

clin created request

Correct the type of allocated EFI pages for ARM64 kernel from EFI_LOADER_DATA to EFI_LOADER_CODE since some Qualcomm CPUs do not allow kernel code execution on EFI_LOADER_DATA pages.

Chester Lin's avatar

clin revoked request

The package 'home:clin:branches:X13S/grub2' has been removed

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