Request 1111345 accepted
- Update to 1.0.0
* Given the longtime stability of openTSNE, it is only fitting
that we release a v1.0.0.
* Various documentation fixes
* Include Python 3.11 in the test and build matrix
* Uniform affinity kernel now supports mean and max mode
- add get-numpy-include.patch
- Created by mcalabkova
- In state accepted
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Request History
mcalabkova created request
- Update to 1.0.0
* Given the longtime stability of openTSNE, it is only fitting
that we release a v1.0.0.
* Various documentation fixes
* Include Python 3.11 in the test and build matrix
* Uniform affinity kernel now supports mean and max mode
- add get-numpy-include.patch
dirkmueller accepted request